I received my replacement Mark II yesterday (the first had a broken right leg) and snapped a few shots:
Getting my Mark II today, after receiving the Mark III last week. Never thought I would be one day as excited about collectibles as I was as a kid when I had all the Star Wars figures (I even owned a 15-20 Stormtrooper army! My Dad is a very generous guy...).
I'll go ahead and pre-order the Mark I - any suggestion as to where I should do this to secure one?
you could try Toy Square
I got my MK III there, excellent customer service. Also they are located in Canada, so no worries on duty and what-not. However, their prices are in USD, so it can hit you hard if the dollar is low
Very nice poses, Marvel-ous! First flight scene.
I got my replacement yesterday as well and he's perfect.I received my replacement Mark II yesterday (the first had a broken right leg) and snapped a few shots:![]()
I feel your pain Coco B, same exact thing happened to me. I went to pick him up out of the tray and his leg stayed put.
I'm happy you guys got a replacement. Must've been extremely disappointing finally getting your figure only to find out it was broken. Coco I hope you get yours too man.
On another matter, I don't think anyone has ever discussed battery life on these things. I wonder how long it will stay lit on a fresh set of batteries...? Moreover, where can I find quality batteries for these figures without breaking the bank?
just hit up circuit city or radioshack
I'm still waiting my replacement figure from Toys2.
It has the right leg broken too![]()
??? ok, these aren't really supposed to be on 24/7. that's not really something hot toys is responsible for.Still expensive...around 20 bucks for a single arm. I'll look on eBay.
I feel your pain Coco B, same exact thing happened to me. I went to pick him up out of the tray and his leg stayed put.I hope you're able to get a replacement.
More experimenting with HDR.
I'm starting to see the benefits of HDR. This photo is far more accurate to how my eye sees the Iron Man figure than this photo which looks cool but isn't really accurate to how it looks.
The figure is very shiny but not as chrome as it appears in the single exposure image.