Wow....thats the best looking HT Pred yet. Built just like a Predator should be. Not the skinny odd look of Wolf and P2.... far as I know, that's the P2 body so....
Wow....thats the best looking HT Pred yet. Built just like a Predator should be. Not the skinny odd look of Wolf and P2....
more pics from toy world forum
in these pictures it shows that there is a neck collor so dont worry that picture of the close up is the stage when they had not put it on!!
Nope. The collar IS on. The problem is it's not like the normal one that's come with all the previous preds. The kind that covers that ghastly neck joint where the head connects. You can even see in the promo pics from HT/SS that it's visible:
It's like that becasue the Borg pred didn't have a high neck collar:
+1 for accuracy HT but it still looks ugly.