So upset that I WON'T BE GETTING THIS NOW. No way am i paying 280$ from toys2.
Sorry, but why the personal question aim at me? are you the keeping the tab of who's buying and who's not?
So one can't comment if they have no intention of purchasing this? Last time I check this was a open discussion board.
I'm still talking bout MJ Hot Toys Beat it fig, its not like I'm derailing bout plastic surgery, vitiligo etc.
It's how you present yourself. You're coming in here with a very cynical, sarcastic attitude. It's very obvious in your comments. You just seem to poke fun rather than contribute in any form.
I for one hope they keep doing MJ figures,
we need a Smooth Criminal MechaRobot MJ...
Dangerous opening concert MJ
HiStory opening concert MJ
and a Ghosts one!!!
The problem is. . .4,000 is not very limited, meaning that jacked up prices aren't warranted. I'm not expecting $200, but I am not willing to pay $300+, either (which is what this ends up being after shipping from the various options we've seen).My point is, if I even had one, is that it's already limited supposedly so that'll jack up the price. But if we expect it lower or right at $200, we're not gonna get that figure and we gotta decide the value/worth in the end, not HT.
Do you leave all your figures in the box? I have that Thriller book as well. I don't think I would have the guts to put it in my detolf. Its somewhat heavy and I am very nervous about how much weight is on each shelf. I've seen one of the glass shelves slide between the bars before. Didn't break but it scaaaaared the hell out of me.
Yeah, more rock stars would be nice. I'm not an MJ fan, I'm just a fan of music, so various other musicians in HT form would be nice. There are a few "wish list" threads floating around to that effect.I would love Hot Toys could release a music line with rock legends and today modern heroes like Jimmi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Gene Simmons, Axl Rose, Bono, Kurt Cobain, Mick Jagger, John Lennon, even Madonna or Lady GaGa for the pop lovers...just please no Hip Hoppers or Rappers!!
are you sure its me?
Why the 'holier than thou', and "its MJ, I need to defend!" act man? its attitude like this that stereotypes MJ fans as bunch of anarchic whackjobs.
you seriously need to chill out.
Read my previous posts next time, before jumping into conclusion and making some delusional accusations.
Anyone have a idea how many billie jean figures were released and if prices are going to be similar in a year?
this made me laugh - so on the money! i know exactly what you're talking about. some MJ fans are just NUTS!