Hot Toys - MMS 100 - Terminator Salvation - Marcus Wright- spec + hi-res pics

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Well Bale was originally brought in to play Marcus, but he wanted the JC role (???), I guess he had his eye on the subsequent movies (should there be any) and the Marcus story 'seems' to have a distint end. Except of course in the realm of quantum mechanics and time travel ANTYTHING can happen... and probably will!:horror

yeah, i still like the car battery theory, not an actual car battery of course, but maybe john grabbed a t-800 power cell on his way out and the hardwire it to marcus, cuz his character ruled!
Or maybe Marcus should be dead cuz he kinda stole the movie from JC.... I mean, Bale's character was completely wasted in TS, it could have been anyone in that role. But they had to go with Bale the bigshot actor and not even make him the main character...
Or maybe Marcus should be dead cuz he kinda stole the movie from JC.... I mean, Bale's character was completely wasted in TS, it could have been anyone in that role. But they had to go with Bale the bigshot actor and not even make him the main character...

thats not marcuses fault :D
i thought john was freaking bad ass, so cool when he just runs and jumps off the edge, or fighting the hydrobots, or running around skynet and of course the t-800 fight
thats not marcuses fault :D
i thought john was freaking bad ass, so cool when he just runs and jumps off the edge, or fighting the hydrobots, or running around skynet and of course the t-800 fight

Yeah, he was badass, but I felt like he should have bin the main focus of the movie... not Marcus... it's like the movie is a piece of paper, and they drew a picture in the bottom corner... It feels like it should be in the middle... but it's not, and the rest of the paper is somewhat wasted space...

It'd be like making a star wars movie that focuses more on Jar Jar Binks with Anakin as a side character(oh wait, they did that didn't they? Well, wasn't TPM awesome?*), except Jar Jar would be 80,000x less annoying and he would be a Terminator...

*BTW your answer must be no, or you don't deserve to exist...
Well remember what Wookster said. Bale was brought on to play Marcus because Salvation was a script written to have Marcus as the main character but Bale insisted on playing Connor after. Bale also took part in a lot of the editing and assisted McG in directing the film.

And remember what McG wanted to do with the ending of T:S? He wanted JC to die, then they were gonna wrap Connor's skin around Marcus' endoskeleton to ensure the survival of the symbol of John Connor. The ending was leaked and the entire 3rd act of the movie was re-shot due to massive fan protest and disapproval online. McG almost destroyed the legacy of John Connor.
Well remember what Wookster said. Bale was brought on to play Marcus because Salvation was a script written to have Marcus as the main character but Bale insisted on playing Connor after. Bale also took part in a lot of the editing and assisted McG in directing the film.

And remember what McG wanted to do with the ending of T:S? He wanted JC to die, then they were gonna wrap Connor's skin around Marcus' endoskeleton to ensure the survival of the symbol of John Connor. The ending was leaked and the entire 3rd act of the movie was re-shot due to massive fan protest and disapproval online. McG almost destroyed the legacy of John Connor.

i think im the only one who liked this idea, :lol
but i hope marcus comes back and him and john can be the two most badass fighters in the resistance
I actually liked the movie and hope there is a sequel

I liked the movie, but honestly Sam Worthington made the movie watchable. Who can picture bale in T3 with arnold, instead of NIch Stahl? It's too ridiculous to imagine because his acting sucked so bad in Salvation.
The Connor dying/skin exchange ending would have added more weight to the story, and in a sequel Bale could flex his acting muscles a bit more (that should calm him down) as he would be playing a conflicted Marcus pretending to be Connor. 2 sets of mannerisms etc etc.
What i really wanted to see was more, on foot , urban combat with the resistance squad. Basically more of what they showed you in T2. I was so pissed when Connor's whole squad got killed when the Nuke went off, at like the first 10 minutes. I wanted to see Connor giving instruction during battle and shouting orders but the took all his men away. He was alone for most of the movie, he wasn't really depicted as a 'natural leader' more like a solo guy who didn't need a team.
Processing from Sideshow begins on 10/23, which means shipping maybe that day, but likely starting Monday next week.
Its been awhile so, i guess i will post one more.
I enjoyed salvation but I was hoping the movie would have a good action packed "story" instead of an action packed event. what even sucks so much more is that McG is directing the next one. How is it possible to make a sequel if Salvation flopped?
It flopped in the U.S but not so much over here. Basically once it makes a decent profit they'll keep coming til one makes a loss I think...