It isn't a horrible likeness of Jackman.
I really didn't want to start the likeness issue again. To me it isn't a likeness of Jackman at all. It's just a guy with a beard. I don't even think the beard is all that good, in that it doesn't capture the style of the movie version. It doesn't have that thick mutton chop look. I'm going to think of it as an adaption of the comic in 3D. I want to have a Logan in my collection and this is what's available. Take it or leave it, so I'll take it.
Now I just hope it doesn't come out with too much of a giraffe neck.
There is no way someones gonna walk into your room , see this figure on your shelf ( without the claws) and not know who its supposed to be.
I don't see how anyone cannot see Jackman in that sculpt. It looks just like him.
I wish I could care less about perfect likenesses. I showed the official photos to a friend of mine and he was stunned by how incredible the portrait looked.
*Sigh*, sometimes it'd be nice to see through the eyes of the uninitiated. But that's not possible anymore. It's like being unimpressed by a new Bugatti because you've been driving exotic sports cars all your life. Or something like that.
I hear ya's.
It is a fine fine sculpt. Looks like a human. Looks alive. The skin texture, the hair, eyebrows, beard, five o'clock shadow, but who is it?
Put that figure in a suit and I bet your friends wouldn't know who it was. Except the geeky, comic book, superhero movie fanatical ones.
The forehead is the wrong height. He doesn't have that big a cleft in his chin. The mouth area is different. The beard is different. The whole shape of the head is different. But it just looks like him.
I'm not the only one who thinks so. Help me out here Ween.
At least I present an argument, rather than the lame o lame 'that sux' off the cuff style comment.