Super Freak
To be honest I wouldn't mind having a bootleg, that way I could actual take it out and do so action photos, get him dirty and take some risks. I've seen lots of places going down the interstate that would make great wilderness backdrops for Wolverine. There’s no way I’d take a chance with my Wolverine (It came from Sideshow), but a knockoff I'd risk, I’m just not willing to pay $250-$400 for one. $50 bucks, tops is all I'd pay. IF someone from Vietnam is lurking on these board PM me. You're probably going to get stuck with dozens of them now, why not make a few dollars. You know all those kids you have working in those sweat shops putting these thing together are only getting pennies on the dollar for 12 hr., seven days a week labor. I’ll even keep your name a secret, scouts honor! 
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