Nuka Cola Kidd
Super Freak
OK, I’m against someone passing a fake off as a genuine item, but if someone were to say out front that an item is not the genuine article, but a reproduction, then as long as they’re not making hundreds of them, I have no problem with it.
Agreed. But as we've already seen those aren't the kind we're dealing with
I have an original Wolverine manufactured by Hot Toys, and ordered, shipped and received by Sideshow Toys, but I’d like to have a cheap and close copy that I could get ruff with. Taking chances on breaking, scratching and losing pieces of a copy would easier on me then having it happen to my original.
I don't get ruff/play with my Hot Toys. The occasional pose change whenever I rearrange the deltoff is good for me. So a bootleg from someone who conned me out of $300 is not needed, and in my opinion shouldn't be accepted by anyone.
And in my personally opinion, I like Hot Toys figures and all, but If these reproduction guys can make these figures cheap, and look just as good as a Hot Toys produced figure, then maybe Hot Toys needs to step back and get back to basics, instead are hiking up their priced every six months because they know how popular their figures have become.
Agreed about HT's prices. But in reality all these thieves did was steal someone else's work. They didn't sculpt or use any talent imo. Just stole what they could. HT puts more into the figures than any bootlegger could dream of doing.
I tell you what, if you won one of those “fakes “and are now going to file a claim, and Pay-pal refunds your money, but tells you to just keep the figure, I'll give you $50 bucks for it.
Nope, never got the figure. Was going to, but it was so close to the "Joe(mista) fallout" that I ended up missing it.
Now, would you do that no, you’d keep it or sell it to someone else for more (not saying you would try and pass it off as an original).
Actually after I got my full refund, I'd just give it way, or throw it away, cause it sure as hell wouldnt go on my shelf.
I feel sorry for those that though these things were originals, but as long as they don't have much in it (Partial refund or full refund plus keeping the figure) you know having a great repo is better then not having one "period".
Have to disagree. If someone thought they could con me out of that much money I would have nothing to do with the figure. Thats just me poeple who do that are sleaze bags. . . scum.
Yaxel for example. . .people are still commending him on his collection I bet. . . I don't get it.

And yes it would be totally different if they were selling them as repros, but their not. Their scum.
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