I think that these wolverines figures are'nt fake, or bootleg.. just HT defective figures with minor problems that failed the HT quality control.
I can't compare them in hand, but looking all that pictures ..damn!! the fabrics looks exactly the same and this is something very dificult to copy and match100%..and what I'm seeing are "multiple diferences" between all of them, but the funny thing, is that they do'nt share a single common difference ¿?

I have seen some "defective" HeadSculpts on Ebay (pictures ) that they had to skip the HT quality control (lazy eye, and minor and barely noticiable paint problems for example),and have seen some original T800 from T1 with fewer buttons on the jacket, slightly differences on predators netting pattern, minor paint problems, slightly different color on sheva Alomar name plate (base stand)........and the list goes on
Even my original wolverine (purchased when was released in HK ) was missing a button shirt (or fell apart ¿?) and it does'nt mean it was a bootleg wolverine :/
And one more thing: I purchased 2 wolverines at the same time , and I sold one of them long time ago but:
One of them had the instruction sheet folded inside a plastic bag (as usual) under the base stand.. however, the other one, the instruction sheet was unfolded (and not inside the plastic) just placed between the clam shell and the cardboard cover.
Both had plastic trays covering the claws, but one of them had the fists plasticized previously, and the other did'nt have that plastic :/
I have seen pictures of the red shirt with sleeves unstitched BTW (I mean, from the wirst )
Both were ORIGINAL not bootleg