Never tried them are they legit?
Dont remember who but a member here bought from them and it went smoothly
Never tried them are they legit?
I love Wolvie from the bar scene in X1. ____ing badass, and his hair was classic. I've emailed Kojun about it for details. Fingers crossed.
Dont remember who but a member here bought from them and it went smoothly
So I wonder when we can expect Kojun's new Wolverine?
Very interested to see what they do with V2!
Dont remember who but a member here bought from them and it went smoothly
Isnt this the shop Ht was warning everybody?
Where can I find this talk of a new Wolverine?
Kojun sounds like he will attack his next Wolverine sculpt with a vengeance! I think he got it right the first time. If I had to get rid of my entire collection and only keep 10 figures HT Wolvie would surely be one of them !