Don't put words in my mouth ... I never said it was 100% 'screen' accurate ... WHATEVER that means ...
How many version would you like them to create ... just to appease you...
I'll take the talent of Hot Toys artists over a bunch of names on a forum any day ... You 'naysayers' are saying that Hot Toys are a bunch of lazy amatures ... all based on a few low resolution photos of ONE of the suits ... and the details you think you saw in the movie ... That's not evidence in the real world, junior. I can't believe I even have to say that ... Proof? Validating your photos with a source would be a good START.
There is a big difference between telling people what they think 'THE ALIEN" looks like .... and knocking the crap out of a figure before they've even handled it ... I have a bit more respect for the artists at Hot Toys than that ...
How long are you guys planning on knocking this thing? The next six months? A year? Forever? Mr. "In you face knocking you out"...
How many ways are you going to tell us that you don't like it? BUT you will buy it etc. $130 for a figure like this is nothing, kid. You'll probably soon realise that most adults have money like that to throw away ...
You can
try to put me down in an attempt to build yourself up. I'm secure in myself and my finances, so puff yourself up all you want. If YOU're insecure, that's something you have to work on. But please don't think that you can critique anything about my life, never having met me.
As for "adults" throwing $130 away just proves that you are not so adult about your finances. Responsible "adults" know where each and every penny is spent. You know NOTHING about me, so let's not go there. In addition, I take it you haven't seen my extensive "adult" hot toys and aliens collection.
THINK before you put your foot in your mouth Mr. "adult aerospace engineer".

Being OLD doesn't make you right, neither does trying to bully fictional "non-adults" around.
Relax, take a break, sip on some coffee, and admit to your mistakes.
You'll get a lot further in life that way.
Oh, and stalking people ("In you
r face knocking you out") isn't cool neither.
It's freaky and proves you have nothing better to do with your time.