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at that price, only the rich can do that! haha. looks cool either way.

If i am able to swing buying one, i will just add a tony head and Photoshop the suit red and gold.

Speaking of customs, weren't you working on a Hulkbuster yourself at one point?

Yes. But then i had an even better idea. That 18" robot from that godzilla-style crappy movie that came out last year. I am going to pick one of those up and paint it red and gold and add a Tony head.
What film? :dunno

Pacific rim i think.

Possibly. Some snore fest about monsters and people having to fight them in giant robots that need two people to pilot them.

:lol Ah, skipped that film I will catch it on FX one day.

The robots are cool. But the plot was coma-inducing, lol.

the movie is alright. not as good as it could have been nor as bad as critics would make it out to be. I've seen worse.

When? Robot Jox was better!
I guess it's impossible for people to keep ANY thread in this forum on topic.

Last time I checked this was about the Tony Star Armor Testing Figure set but as soon as someone says "squirl" you all just spiral off topic.

I bet if the mods actually did their job threads like this would be 1/4 the size they are.
I guess it's impossible for people to keep ANY thread in this forum on topic.

Last time I checked this was about the Tony Star(K) Armor Testing Figure set but as soon as someone says "squirl" you all just spiral off topic.

I bet if the mods actually did their job threads like this would be 1/4 the size they are.

Nobody has taken you seriously since post one, thread one.

You still don’t get it.

I don’t care what you think of me.

I’m a doer. I can build, create, invent and make what I want, happen. And I do it regardless of what others think.

The only reason I post about it is because it may help others like myself.

Most of you are followers. You buy the same thing, put it in the same thing and judge your success by the “he who has more wins” mentality.

Throw in a dab if ADD and you get some very confused narcissists that really add nothing to the conversation and in most cases detract from it.

So far I have read several threads about different figures and they have become discussions about the Hulk Buster, yet there is very little action in the actual Hulk Buster thread.

Anyone see the problem?

This place is what Twitter would be if it was in forum format. 140 characters or less, so as to not confuse the youngsters

As I’ve said before, I’ve been collecting movie memorabilia for longer then most of you have been alive and to date the very vocal core of this forum is the most screwed up bunch I have ever had to tolerate.

BTW: Saying that nobody takes me seriously is a very naive way to quantify your comment. Many people not only take me seriously but understand the value that I can bring to a subject.

They just don’t feel the need vocalize their every thought..

To not make this post a total waste here you go.

These are part of my Work Shop display. They are the PCs that come with Primeval figures

I got the idea from Bar.

I decided to add IM graphics to them so I tracked down some stuff from the net, work some magic in Photoshop and printed it on adhesive lable stock and applied them to the screens.

I also added a 1/6 scale key board that I found on ebay to the single PC

You still don’t get it. I don’t care what you think of me.

Yet you posted this long rant - yep, you care :1-1:

I’m a doer. I can build, create, invent and make what I want happen, regardless of what others think. The only reason I post about it is because it may help others like myself.

Is this your e-Harmony bio? Regardless, none of this has anything to do with Marvel.

Most of you are followers. You buy the same thing, put it in the same thing and judge your success by the “he who has more wins” mentality.

Oh good, I was wondering when you'd start insulting people again and it took 5 sentences this time, you didn't disappoint.

Throw in a dab if ADD and you get some very confused narcissists that really add nothing to the conversation and in most cases detract from it.

The guy bragging he's a mover, a shaker, a baker, etc is calling other people 'narcissists' :lol You can't make this stuff up folks!

So far I have read several threads about different figures and they have become discussions about the Hulk Buster, yet there is very little action in the actual Hulk Buster thread. Anyone see the problem?

Not really. Hulkbuster is a dream concept for most Iron Man collectors so the fact that it was teased less than a week ago to be in the Avengers 2 film has Iron Man fans talking about it.

And in case you didn't notice, the Marvel section has a staggering Iron Man following.

This place is what Twitter would be if it was in forum format. 140 characters or less, so as to not confuse the youngsters

Wouldn't know about Twitter - don't care either. Irrelevant.

As I’ve said before, I’ve been collecting movie memorabilia for longer then most of you have been alive and to date the very vocal core of this forum is the most screwed up bunch I have ever had to tolerate.

It doesn't matter how old you are or what you collected while you were a snot nosed kid who's grown into a snot nosed adult.

Get this through your thick skull: you are no better than any other member here. Got it? Good.

BTW: Saying that nobody takes me seriously is a very naive way to quantify your comment. Many people not only take me seriously but understand the value that I can bring to a subject. They just don’t feel the need vocalize their every thought..

Joke of the day material right there.

You're either starting pointless thread like, "Should I buy the Iron Man panties on sale at Walmart?" or you're insulting people. End of story.
^^ ^^ Ah, another over-generalized diatribe about how Boba Debt's experience collecting is based on movie memorabilia and how he's been collecting longer than most people (even though he doesn't actually know how long other people have been collecting). I particularly liked the Fredo Corleone-esque "I'm smart. I can do things" comment. I'm paraphrasing, of course--probably because I have ADD.

I have yet to read a thread Boba Debt participates in in which he doesn't condescend or flat out insult members of this forum. Commenting and then setting himself up as the martyr when he's called out on his nonsense is becoming par for the course. I don't think that kind of "help" is needed here. Then again, what do I know. I'm not a member of his other forum that he continually raves about.
Sorry, but I can't take a One Post Wonders opinion very seriously

No apology required, but thank you all the same.

Oh well, I'll probably regret this when I'm burning from all the flames but lets give the troll his dinner...

I've read quite bit of your stuff on here and for the most part you seem good natured and articulate but every now and again something sets you off.

I'm not quite a one post wonder, I usually only post when I have something to say. I'm thinking that if we compared the relative quantity of posts against their quality I'd be ahead by a fair margin. I just don't believe that the fact you have 190 posts in 3 months versus my 78 posts in 10 months is in any way a valid argument regarding the worthiness of my opinion.

I don't subscribe to the theory that more posts is equal to better board member. Someone with 10 posts is just as capable of writing something of equal value to someone with 5000 posts. The whole "you don't have many posts so I'm going to ignore you" thing is a little too much like "Lets ignore the new kid at school", its childish and narrow minded.

Maybe you should have taken your own advice and started a "Keeping threads on topic" thread in the Board Business section because so far you have disrupted this discussion far more than a few comments on Hulkbuster and Pacific Rim.

As far as I am concerned (lowly One Post Wonder that I am) the mods do their jobs just fine, they step in when they need to resolve an issue (as may happen here) but they are not here to stifle the natural flow of conversation.