Can anyone tell me if this is an MMS220 body? The listing says it is but I can't tell for sure because of the white wrap around it. The seller said they sometimes ship with the wrap to protect the body and he doesn't want to remove it.

Given that there are two wardrobe options for that Wolverine figure, one with just the white tank, i'm inclined to think that's not the body. Plus, the white cloth on a body is usually padding that increases the body mass, it's never really to protect the body, even though it kind of serves that purpose too. I think the MMS220 is supposed have a bit of a hairy chest, you can probably see better pics of it on the prototype photos, I don't really trust this one. Did they put that white shirt on the body, or is it already on there?
The MMS220 has a completely textured torso and arms... That white shirt is to protect the body from staining from the suit.
It still has the black "socks" on too.
The seller said it was already on the body. I can't find any Unboxing or breakdown pics to confirm this though so I'm a bit leery.
I did just see a review of the figure and on the instruction sheet of how to remove the suit, it does look like he has a white shirt over the body.
Why make the sentinels plastic? Pretty simple. Xmen First class. They KNEW there was at least one mutant that could control metal. In fact he was the one held for "killing" a president. So why make them metal if they knew about him?
Magneto added metal so he could control them. It's no different then someone picking a lock in a movie or hacking a computer. Same idea. One sides trying to protect themselves(trask with non metal sent) and another's trying to by pass the security (magneto adding metal so he can control or hack them)
As for bishop...yeah send him back in time. Back to the past body he had...oops. He wasn't born yet. Again..simple to follow.
Why not prof X? Well they addressed that directly. His body can't cope with the damage being done by the long time jump. Your brain is part of your body. If it tears apart doesn't matter how great your mental powers are. Logan's healing factor stitched his brain back together as fast as its torn apart.
Well I finally decided to pull the trigger on this guy. I've been going back and forth for a long time on wether to get this version or the dofp version or wait and hope for a better version down the line. While I like the sculpt on the dofp version it is still off and the expression is not very wolverine to me and the suit is god awful, I really don't know what they were thinking with that design with the blue and yellow arms and tiny almost non existent shoulder armor, but it did come from a movie where they completely wasted bishop in a time travel xmen movie and had wolverine time travel thru a stupid power that shadowcat shouldn't even have, I mean my god at least have professor x do it![]()
and then they also made sentinels out of plastic to start with and had magneto add metal into them while they were on a train so he could manipulate them still
then they make sentinels indestructible right out of the gate, as a kid watching the animated xmen I loved how they would have to team up to bring them down and was looking forward to seeing this on the big screen but that never happened because they skipped right to the super advanced future where sentinels are completely indestructible and the xmen couldn't even try and fight them, I mean really did nobody look over that script and it was way later down the road when sentinels were upgraded to polymer so why not have them be metal to start with if magneto is gonna control them
I did love how they made blink and quicksilver in that movie tho, they were awesome. Ultimately I had to have a wolverine in my collection and it came down to which movie version I like best and while not perfect, The Wolverine movie was awesome and I had far fewer issues with it then I did with dofp also the figure comes with regular and bone claws and two outfits so I can easily custom an Origins movie Vietnam wolverine if I want or keep the awesome black suit version or wife beater look, just way more options with this one and I don't have to cringe every time I look at it like I would if I got the dofp version cuz of the outfit and expression and overall frustrating plot of the movie(I still like dofp in spite of my issues with it, I'm just upset because of how good it could have been) I'm sure I may end up getting an AOA or final solo wolverine movie version if HT make one down the line and improve on their Jackman head sculpt and have a better suit design but I had to have a Logan in my 1/6 collection (xmen statue collection wolverine no longer enough [emoji38]) and after a lot of soul searching this version is by far the most complete (easily customizable)single figure representation of the Cinematic wolverine character for me.
I'm at an impasse too. I have the Wolverine Origins figure, but after the DoFP Wolverine headsculpt, I can't even see Jackman in my figure anymore (so strange what a better headsculpt does with our perception).
I do like the Wolverine Immortal figure, I think it's a really good headsculpt and I love the suit, although I fell it's not iconic enough.
But I also enjoy the DoFP uniform, and love the headsculpt. But I think the uniform is a bit "fragile", since some people had problems with the seams on the black part of the arms.
So, I would love to hear you guys opinion (please, with arguments) about the three mentioned figures, to help me decide which to get (or keep). I have no interest in using parts of figures, I like to keep my figures as close the original, out of the box, figure, as possible.
I can tell you that I've owned all 3 and nothing beats the dofp version. I too was really worried about the sleeves but honestly it's a non problem. You would have to be posing irresponsibly and over prolonged periods in said poses to damage it in my opinion![]()
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