1/6 Hot Toys-MMS 236-TDK Armory (with Batman, Alfred, and Bruce Wayne Figures)

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I keep thinking it would've been cool if he came back in his Begins suit.


Something along the lines of....after Bane breaks his back / takes his suit - the only suit he has left is the Begins one so he is forced to use it.

If they didn't do that, I would have really liked him to be cowl-less for the end of the film. After Talia stabs him and Bane puts the rope around him, Bane could have pulled his cowl off him - then he finishes the film without it.

We then could have had Gordon see him cowl-less. Perhaps just the back of his head at first as he tries to get a better glimpse of him. Then a full reveal. Would have loved to see that.
Unmasked Batman would ruin the whole "Batman is more than a man" angle present in all three films.
The more I think about it, the more TDKR sucks. I hate admitting that.

Batman just wasn't Batman anymore. He walks down the street in broad daylight to fight Bane. After all the police come out the ground, not one of them looks a him or sees him and thinks 'oh my god, it's Batman!'. I know they had been under there for months and probably had other priorities - but it's Batman!

I think his entrance was horrible - the EMP gun sucked - the noise effects were terrible and it was so dull. Then it got shot and we got some (more) cheesy cop jokes. Why does Nolan insist on giving the police terrible non-funny dialogue. It ruins the truck chase in TDK.

TDKR lost all sight of the terrifying 'demon' that lurks in the shadows and replaced it with a Batman that talks to Selina in a Batman voice even when she knows who he is - and he talks to himself in the voice. Then he just flies the spaceship everywhere. skjvbzdfdszgkzjbdflz

I need to calm down.

Be careful. Wouldn't want Kcreed coming in and scolding ya.
a Batman that talks to himself in a stupid voice, owns a space lobster and walks among unfazed cops in broad day light?

- OR -

a Batman that talks in a Clooney voice, owns a batcredit card and attends charity functions fully dressed up as Batman?
a Batman that talks to himself in a stupid voice, owns a space lobster and walks among unfazed cops in broad day light?

- OR -

a Batman that talks in a Clooney voice, owns a batcredit card and attends charity functions fully dressed up as Batman?
Yeah...the latter totally wreaks of 60 Batman, :lol
"Might I recommend the utility belt with the tangerine accessories, Master Wayne?"


That looks like the MMS67 belt.
I have to assume I'm missing something, because I can't read Chinese and I don't see any pictures;)

Verified in 3 different browsers. All the user avatars and other graphics on the site work, and there are a couple of magazine photos on page 4, but that's it.

You first have to know the Ancient Chinese Secret before you can see the pics. :wink1:
Someone, anyone, who might want to take a few minutes off from being a smart-ass, could you know, re-post the pictures here on this forum - the one we're already all reading. Just saying. ;)
The more I think about it, the more TDKR sucks. I hate admitting that.

Batman just wasn't Batman anymore. He walks down the street in broad daylight to fight Bane. After all the police come out the ground, not one of them looks a him or sees him and thinks 'oh my god, it's Batman!'. I know they had been under there for months and probably had other priorities - but it's Batman!

I think his entrance was horrible - the EMP gun sucked - the noise effects were terrible and it was so dull. Then it got shot and we got some (more) cheesy cop jokes. Why does Nolan insist on giving the police terrible non-funny dialogue. It ruins the truck chase in TDK.

TDKR lost all sight of the terrifying 'demon' that lurks in the shadows and replaced it with a Batman that talks to Selina in a Batman voice even when she knows who he is - and he talks to himself in the voice. Then he just flies the spaceship everywhere. skjvbzdfdszgkzjbdflz

I need to calm down.

I think Batman fighting Bane in broad daylight has a lot to do with A) the darkness and shadows that used to be the exclusive domain of Batman now belong to Bane and B) Batman is no longer viewed by most of the public as a dangerous vigilante, the cold-blooded killer of Harvey Dent and cops.

Batman used to protect Gotham only from the shadows. When he's walking out in the middle of the day, cops all around him, he finally becomes the hero that the whole city can accept, embrace and admire. The city even erects a statue of him, the ultimate sign of respect.
I think Batman fighting Bane in broad daylight has a lot to do with A) the darkness and shadows that used to be the exclusive domain of Batman now belong to Bane and B) Batman is no longer viewed by most of the public as a dangerous vigilante, the cold-blooded killer of Harvey Dent and cops.

Batman used to protect Gotham only from the shadows. When he's walking out in the middle of the day, cops all around him, he finally evolves into the hero that the whole city can accept, embrace and admire. The city even erects a statue of him, the ultimate sign of respect.

Great point, now run and hide before the Hellhounds get here.
Great point, now run and hide before the Hellhounds get here.

I don't care what they say, I liked TDKR. Nolan was trying to bring Batman out of the shadows. It's not for everyone, but I liked what he, his brother and Goyer were trying to accomplish.

It was a trilogy made in the decade where people were looking for heroes, ones that didn't have actual superpowers but, despite human failings and frailty, still gave a damn about people.

Pretty much, that's more or less what they're going for.

Doesn't really make him a "Dark Knight" any more though. You don't give Batman credit cards and you certainly don't give him statues. The honorary ceremonies are more akin to Adam West Batman where he was a celebrated, deputized hero of the law. Bats come out at night . . . and if by chance there's a bomb that goes off in an hour during the day, they infiltrate city hall from the inside to nab villains instead of a showy, "I came back to stop you bro", entrance.
I think Batman fighting Bane in broad daylight has a lot to do with A) the darkness and shadows that used to be the exclusive domain of Batman now belong to Bane and B) Batman is no longer viewed by most of the public as a dangerous vigilante, the cold-blooded killer of Harvey Dent and cops.

Batman used to protect Gotham only from the shadows. When he's walking out in the middle of the day, cops all around him, he finally becomes the hero that the whole city can accept, embrace and admire. The city even erects a statue of him, the ultimate sign of respect.
