1/6 Hot Toys-MMS 236-TDK Armory (with Batman, Alfred, and Bruce Wayne Figures)

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Wow! Well, I've just clicked pre-order on the 3 figure set so i'm commited now! from the pics it looks like pretty much the "Ultimate" toy! with all those gadgets etc... I'll probably just sell on the DX12 then, my fault for focusing on one thing without looking at what was happening around me :( I look forward to seeing more pics as they show up!

Congrats! Where did you order from? I'm also in the UK and went with CDUK. Cannot wait!
Mine is still in customs pending inspection-has been since Friday! Do customs operate over the wkend?!! Hopefully have it Tuesday/Wednesday

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Wonder what sort of fee you'll incur for a product this price

Unless it's marked down but do they check marked down ones and then not issue the fees?
It's marked as a low value gift. Iv never had custom charges before as all my hot toys have came from the same guy and iv had in excess of 30. Just the wait is killing me-knowing it's sitting there!!!

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But can't they open things randomly, at their discretion? Hope that fate doesn't befall you, but customs would be kind of pointless if they didn't do that occasionally.
But can't they open things randomly, at their discretion? Hope that fate doesn't befall you, but customs would be kind of pointless if they didn't do that occasionally.

I'm not sure what country the recipient is in, but as long as the customs declaration says what's in the box, the value on it must be taken as truth by customs in my country. It doesn't matter how much the item may sell for anywhere else - it's what the recipient paid for that specific package that matters for tax/duty assessment. This of course for standard non-regulated items - it would be a different story if someone shipped $1 million worth of diamonds and claimed a $100 value. ;)
Mate they don't open things up! (Unless it looks dodgy on an X-ray) If it's been sent from a friend or private seller then all they'll do is check the customs label! If it's a known seller then they'd try to identify it and charge accordingly! I've had in excess of 1000 parcels from the US and China over the last 5 years, there's been a handful of charges and I've even had Airsoft rifles shipped to me without any issues! Customs will only open suspect packages i.e. food, powders, tobacco etc..
I'm not sure what country the recipient is in, but as long as the customs declaration says what's in the box, the value on it must be taken as truth by customs in my country. It doesn't matter how much the item may sell for anywhere else - it's what the recipient paid for that specific package that matters for tax/duty assessment. This of course for standard non-regulated items - it would be a different story if someone shipped $1 million worth of diamonds and claimed a $100 value. ;)

Sorry but that's not true, I've been told they can look online to see if a item matches the value stated, this happened to me on a Keaton batman marked $25, coming into the UK. They can also open parcels at their discretion. These things happen generally on rare occasions, but they do happen.
1. I don't live in the UK.

2. It doesn't matter what the value is online because it doesn't prove one way or the other how much you paid.

3. Customs can open a package in any country, but that doesn't have any bearing on this discussion unless you're trying to smuggle something not declared on the customs forms/manifest/invoice.

4. If they change the value or assess duty on a value not specified you can, in any civilized country I'd expect, contest this and hopefully get your money back by providing a copy of your invoice (and or payment receipt) if it wasn't already included with the package.

You want a practical example? I import a lot of stuff, including wholesale goods. Arbitrary example, but I may by a part for $2, add some value and turn around and sell it for $20. Checking "online" some customs monkey might find a store selling it for the $20 or even $50. That has no bearing on how much tax I should pay, as it's a $2 part when I imported it.

Sellers are responsible for putting down the true transaction price of the packaged goods and in many cases must attach a commercial invoice (depends on carrier). They're responsible for being truthful under penalty of law, regardless of what country they send from.

So if your package says $25 on the customs slip, but has an invoice attached for $250, then expect to pay duty/tax on the $250 because it's obvious the customs form is BS. If there's no invoice attached and you can prove you've been charged duty/tax on the wrong value, then call up your local customs office and get a refund.

People in some countries, such as the US, may find all this laughable because they have unusually nice exemptions. The US for instance, allows packages of commercial goods up to $200 in value to enter duty/tax free to a single address - one per day. Nice. Here in Canada there is no official min/max that I know of, so it's usually at the discretion of the customs officials and even more importantly, the carrier. In the past few years anything that's $50 or less hasn't been assessed any taxes when coming via post. But via DHL or UPS for example, it doesn't matter if it's $5 or $10, they will make sure you pay tax on it so they can collect their brokerage fees/commissions.
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I got the EMP gun off of ebay for about $19 the day I pre-ordered the armory because I wanted to add it there somehow (No, I honestly don't care that it wasn't in TDK) Now I read that the belt is different on the TDKR batman? anyone have detailed pics of the differences?
great comparison between dx12 and armory bats.

I have to assume I'm missing something, because I can't read Chinese and I don't see any pictures… ;)

Verified in 3 different browsers. All the user avatars and other graphics on the site work, and there are a couple of magazine photos on page 4, but that's it.
I got the EMP gun off of ebay for about $19 the day I pre-ordered the armory because I wanted to add it there somehow (No, I honestly don't care that it wasn't in TDK) Now I read that the belt is different on the TDKR batman? anyone have detailed pics of the differences?

The old belt and sticky bomb guns had a magnet which allowed you to attach to the belt. I think there was a magnetic strip on the belt.
I'm in the uk, it's in uk customs before it gets to me in Scotland. Iv never had a customs charge before, the seller marks as low value gift and he always includes an invoice inside matching the low value stating the same value as the customs receipt.
I'm hoping it's just because it's the wkend and It will be sent out tomorrow.
I want it now!

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The old belt and sticky bomb guns had a magnet which allowed you to attach to the belt. I think there was a magnetic strip on the belt.

So it's nothing aesthetic? In the context I read it sounded as if the belt had a complete redesign between movies, and I don't see much of a difference.
The old belt and sticky bomb guns had a magnet which allowed you to attach to the belt. I think there was a magnetic strip on the belt.

Easy solution, get the magnetic belt. They shouldn't be going for that much anymore. Heck, I might even sell my DX12 one (its the one that doesn't come with compartments) or my DX02 one, different color but has the compartments and thingamajiggys on his belt. :wink1: