1/6 Hot Toys-MMS 236-TDK Armory (with Batman, Alfred, and Bruce Wayne Figures)

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It doesn't hurt to ask, I would.

That was my replacement by the way.
Guess it's going back, huh? :slap

I believe the ever so slight cross-eye was standard on this release.

So what some of you guys are saying is that you want to have an AC/DC adapter you can just plug into this thing so you never have to worry about batteries right? Got you covered. Just give me a few weeks to open up the armory and see if HT skimped out on the components and then a little time to make some extra safety adapters if they did. If their wiring is good, I have battery replacement kits ready to go sooner.
Man realizing setting up everything is gonna take a while.

Really like Wayne though. Best production Wayne out there.

Has anyone in the UK received their preordered armoury from onesixbruce? I'm getting a little worried as I'd not had a single reply from Wai Man regarding the order since my initial payment. Should I be worried?
Has anyone in the UK received their preordered armoury from onesixbruce? I'm getting a little worried as I'd not had a single reply from Wai Man regarding the order since my initial payment. Should I be worried?

No. I expect it'll be months yet.

Maggie reported they had shipments coming in January, but mentioned only Robocop and Iron Man specifically.
I don't get why you don't buy direct from Hong Kong, our uk prices are a rip and you wait months for them. Iv only ever got one hot toys that's not been direct from Hong Kong

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Just picked my Armory Full set up this afternoon. Haven't unboxed it yet, maybe tonight. Only one comment right now. Whomever said the box for this was BIG has no idea what they're talking about.

Clearly these people have never seen the box for a Dewback from Sideshow nor the Tumbler or Batmobile. Those are BIG. This box is 2x the size of the DX07 MAX. Big deal - its size is no reason nor excuse for not having a pack-out option. Walmart and Amazon and other stores who like burning money all use bigger pack-out boxes when you order a couple of boxes of crackers.You should have seen the size of the box used for a single roll of decorative duct tape my brother bought from Walmart. It was easily 8x12x12" - nuts.
Happy to see a bunch of screws on the top of the armory, so I should have this thing taken apart to inspect the wiring and LEDs in a few days when I find some downtime.

Unpacked my set last night and love it. Only issue I found is that there's a little scuff on batman's left pec. It's kind of noticeable on the pic attached. Not sure if contacting sideshow is worth it for something like that or not.

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