Super Freak
This is hoth jacket argument all over again...
I like your changes man, looks good. The face does look a little stern though as mentioned.
Too many people are getting bent out of shape with these proto pics. Guys these are just proto shots. There's plenty of time for HT to make changes to the hs and attire look how MOS, ASM2, West Batman changed from the protos to the final release for the better.
Unless ht royally screws up the Solo sculpt like they did with Indy, I think the final release will be improved![]()
I'm still scarred over Indy. I would've put my house on that sculpt being redone, being as obviously and OTT awful as it was. I'm happy to buy as is, but obviously if it's improved that'd be awesome.
This is hoth jacket argument all over again...
I guess I need to get my eyes checked. Thanks for blowing that up, I can see what everyone else sees now![]()
I still don't see it. The chin is longer and the eyes are bigger, he looks meaner, and less realistic.
The skin tone looks jaundiced, and the hair looks like chocolate.
I don't have any recommendations to fix the sculpt. It could be closer, but I pre-ordered day one, so I'm satisfied with it as is. It they get it closer, great, if not, that's cool, I'm getting what I paid for.
Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my God; It even has a watermark.eggshell
Yeah, to me, Han in Star Wars always had an off white, cream colored shirt, hence the changes.
Thanks. I also changed the boots so they'd be more like the Reeve Superman and Keaton Batman boots. That soft, pliable plastic. I hate that baggy, cheap faux leather look they have going on.
Oh, and I made the hand smaller and the arms/forearms less thick.
View attachment 136364
The face is more ruthless, sure, but I'd rather have a stern Han Solo that looks like Harrison Ford that has his features than a Han Solo that doesn't resemble the actor at all and has a goofy, featureless expression, symmetrical features and dead, lifeless eyes. The lips they did only have a hint of a "fun" demeanor anyway. It looks just like their weird smirking expression that they did for DX 12 Batman.
If the final product looked like my shopped revision, it's not like we couldn't get a less stern expression with other Han Solo versions (like Stormtrooper disguise). The key here is actually looking like Harrision Ford.
View attachment 136365View attachment 136366
We should spam **** their FB page to infinity till they change/improve the sculpt
Even if they delete we'll keep reposting it![]()
I've been waiting for a an Indy revamp or even a TOD or TLC Indy, but since it doesn't look like it is coming from HT, with all these Nolan Batman redo releases I have to wonder if it's a licensing rights issue between HT and Spielberg with Indy since Medicom made a KOCS version a while back.
Well I think we're on the same page ultimately, but he's got a couple of classic facial expressions. The way he looks in the classic photo with Chewie (blaster drawn) is where it's at. Locked in & focused, but not really 'frowning' per se.It should. That seems to be one thing that no one gets right. Always looks like he's having his picture taken in a mall portrait studio.
The hairline is very wrong though. Should be hanging in his face.
The head of Disney mentioned a new IJ movie during the EpVII announcements. The question is would that mean non-Harrison Ford HT Indy figures only as they probably wouldn't want merchandise out that reminded people about the "real" Indy actor.