Super Freak
Great pics!
Nice shots... where’d ya get that trooper bucket? Nice custom sculpt.
Whoa! Awesome pics.
Great pics!
Thanks guys! I forgot to mention I added the V.2 gloves from the Tarkin two pack to my ANH Vader.
D.R.37, The Stormtrooper helmet is from one of the original Shapeway runs.
Right, so I have the v1.0 (first release) and the v2.0 (Tarkin double-pack), and the 2.0 does indeed look better right out of the box.
My only worry is that the suit has a completely different feel to it, almost as if the v1.0 was made of actual leather and the v2.0 of pleather. Any body have any degradation issues with the new suit?
If you break out the parts you’ll make more $$ but it’s more hassle. I think $250 BIN with free shipping though should sell if you just want to move it.
I haven’t heard anything. It may still be too soon to say.
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Yeah, I think the interrogation droid is still a draw. I always start at a price I think is reasonable then drop it by $5 or $10 if it’s not moving after the 10 or 30-day listing.
I mean, I think he was $300 plus shipping new after all.
Heres my Vader with Tarkin
Both go hand in hand.
My Vader is the first release but modded with gloves and repainted armor . Both together Tarkin and Vader look BOSS!!