What chest armor are you using, Bo?
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The entire figure is stock V2 ANH (Tarkin 2 Pack)
Yeah, I only have multiples if the look of that character is vastly different from film to film, such as the case with Luke, or if it’s a character I really like. Don’t get me wrong, I really like Vader, but at the same time, Vader is Vader. I can’t really justify spending $300 just to have another version simply because the dials on the chest box are a bit different and he has a few other subtle differences here and there. Same applies for me to a character like Chewie, and even Yoda.
Been debating swapping my R1 Vader over to the ANH v2 since I want a Vader with a light up saber. Just might be a hassle since I dont want Tarkin at all.
I'm kinda feeling like doing the same thing (except it would be swapping from ANH V1 to V2). I feel like the body suit fits better from the pics I've seen, and of course the gloves are the biggest draw.
Does anyone know if there are other improvements over the V1 on the Tarkin 2-pack release?
You would need both v1 & v2 to make a proper ANH Vader.
Like many, I bought a complete set of the gloves and a pair of boots (have the strap missing on v1) from the v2 to swap with my v1. It's nice that the chest and belt boxes are weathered, but the v1 I believe is more accurate. The chest box is weathered and larger on the v2, but I don't like how small the buttons look. And same with belt boxes. Nice they are weathered, but they are over sized and a little different in detail.
The biggest problems for me with the Tarkin v2 ANH Vader is the lightsaber hilt being wrong, as they included the RO (movie mistake)/ESB hilt. Which also makes the light up arm wrong as it too has the wrong lightsaber hilt, even though it has the better gloves. After having the correct version with v1, how on earth they messed that up is beyond reasoning.Especially since the RO figure didn't even have a light up saber arm. And also the shoulder bells are wrong being painted black. rather than the correct grey like the chest armor. Again, makes no sense. v2 is like an amalgam of parts from ANH v1 & RO (and studs on belt and chest box from ESB even although they seem to maybe be accurate with some movie stills even though mostly not visible).
v3 will fix all this eventually...![]()
Yeah, that’s mostly why I’ve contemplated trading for the v2, is just because of the better fitting suit. Everything else (sans gloves and maybe cape), I think v1 has the upper hand.
I think both figures though use the same body. Maybe you could just pick up a parted out v2 suit, strip the v1 and put the v2 suit on, then put it back together.