Mine also converted. Tempted to pass on it but I'm sure it will sell out again and then I will be kicking myself. And like others have speculated, I think there is a very good chance this is the only Obi-Wan we will get from HT.
Got the waitlist conversion email on this one too. Not sure about this figure since I've got the Sideshow version and this doesn't feel like as much of an upgrade as some of the others, but I'll probably get it for completion sake. *sigh* Hopefully they'll let me put it on flexpay.
Lol, Lejuan I had to wait two weeks before I could show ya as Luke was flexed.
Instead of reaching Obiwan's Hutt,
they went to a sushi bar.
I don't think I ever want to flex pay again. No shipper or even the plastic bag, so the box was 'prechecked' and all scratched up, it really felt like someone's return. Too many HT releases for me to keep up, so I no option unless I miss it like Kenobi.
If this converts and doesn't ship until June/July I might as well cancel it. I always thought once converted item is ready to ship within days only. I have other figures that I could buy and I'm not patient lol.
Lets hope so since I only added myself to the wait list yesterday and later that day I got an email for reserved item already.This is probably a very special case, since they're getting a whole new batch of figures. If this worked the way it usually does they would have the item in hand and someone else who had it locked in cancelled it (or didn't pay or whatever) so they have it ready for immediate delivery. That's probably why you can't choose flex pay on waitlist as well. If you're lucky to get one they (SSC) will want to finish the deal and get their money quick since item has already been on layaway for a while.
Has anyone ever returned a purchase made on Ebay? I bought Obi Wan about 2 weeks ago and since then all this news of the 2nd run has broke. My wailist also just converted but before I cancel I thought I would ask. It's a dirty move I feel but would end up saving me some $$.
Thoughts? I mean we all hate the scalpers... Right?
No. If you have opened it and it's missing something or broken in some way, then you can return it.
If not, you bought it fair and square. Imagine if you sold a MIB HT figure and two weeks later the guy wanted to get his money back. That money is probably already spent.
And the seller would be getting an opened figure back that has nowhere near the same value.
Dont be that guy.
If you have to, sit on the new one for a bit till it sells out again then sell it to get the balance back of what you overspent to get the first one.
It's missing the brown shipper. Does that count?
Dont be that guy.
Has anyone ever returned a purchase made on eBay? I bought Obi Wan about 2 weeks ago and since then all this news of the 2nd run has broke. My wailist also just converted but before I cancel I thought I would ask. It's a dirty move I feel but would end up saving me some $$.
Thoughts? I mean we all hate the scalpers... Right?
It's a dirty move I feel but would end up saving me some $$.
Thoughts? I mean we all hate the scalpers... Right?