Bo Shrek
Super Freak
you will have fun when Christmas morning comes. you will watch star wars on Christmas day and play with your toys like we did when we were kids
Thats why I'm capture that moment and excitement!!!

you will have fun when Christmas morning comes. you will watch star wars on Christmas day and play with your toys like we did when we were kids
Has Jnix confirmed that Ben will be his next head sculpt yet?
I don't understand criticism of this HS (?). Han yes, Luke definitely yes, but this is pretty good. Not a dead ringer, but it's very good IMO.![]()
I don't understand criticism of this HS (?). this is pretty good. Not a dead ringer, but it's very good IMO.![]()
On its own, under neutral lighting, to me the HT Ben headsculpt just doesn't look a whole lot like Alec Guinness.
It's a hyper-realistically sculpted and ultra-lifelike painted head of an older man with white beard and hair that is fortunately always paired with a very nice rendition of Obi Wan's iconic Star Wars costume (well, not a huge fan of the HT inner "bathrobe") so there's never much question overall who it is.
There are certainly a few Guinness traits lurking in the HT sculpt that can be accentuated with harsh lighting from above, and aided by hood-up look, but this head on a generic business suit body few people would immediately pick as Alec Guinness or Ben Kenobi. Just an old guy with a white beard in a suit (and the hands of a 110 year old man if you also use the HT Ben hands.)
It's interesting when you see people who have done customs using iconic actor heads from other franchises - for example, Matrix's Hugo Weaving as a custom Imperial officer - it's sometimes a little distracting because you're like "it's Agent Smith as an Imperial!" because there's so much Weaving likeness.
But this HT Ben head would seriously have no problems in that area - it could be placed onto any custom and no one would say "it's Ben Kenobi as a ____!" - whereas you could argue the Sideshow Ben head, which IS oversized and outdated in so many ways, WOULD trigger that response simply because it has a lot of Obi/Alec likeness despite the somewhat awful detail/paint quality of the head.
But hey, it's all subjective and I agree - to each his own. Just my twenty cents.![]()
Just ordered this guy with a $25 off coupon + free shipping! Pretty excited to have him sometime in March...
Obi-Wan is one of my favorite characters and I felt I needed him next to Vader.
But this HT Ben head would seriously have no problems in that area - it could be placed onto any custom and no one would say "it's Ben Kenobi as a ____!" - whereas you could argue the Sideshow Ben head, which IS oversized and outdated in so many ways, WOULD trigger that response simply because it has a lot of Obi/Alec likeness despite the somewhat awful detail/paint quality of the head.
But hey, it's all subjective and I agree - to each his own. Just my twenty cents.![]()
Because of the abundance of points of reference present in a bearded older man head sculpt, I'm going to predict that the upcoming Jnix version will be Mr. Shin's next Grand Slam Homer...
Judging by his Luke I'm not holding thaaat high a hope. Would be nice to be proven wrong.
Those look good but imho, it's as off as the HTs sculpt. I don't think one really overshadows the other.![]()