Nice custom. Sideshow's inner cloak really is better than Hot Toy's see-through one.
Nice custom. Sideshow's inner cloak really is better than Hot Toy's see-through one.
I know, but I'm just disappointed. This has been one of the only figures I can remember that I haven't been able to futz to my liking.Looks great! It's not a competition - although if competitive futzing ever becomes a thing I'll be straight out of the hobby. It looks like Obi-wan's getting a nice view of slave leia too!
Thank you. Yes, I made the tunic myself. I wasn't too find of the see through fabric used on the stock figure.
Per Sideshow, almost sold out -- but they are offering free US shipping:
I'm still gonna pass on this one: while it's a terrific sculpt, I just don't see Alec Guinness there. Also, the inner robe is too thin; and the hood on the outer robe looks too small. *sigh!*
I made my purchase before Christmas and am very Happy with it!!
Same here. So glad I took the chance on buying it. Absolutely no regrets. Goes and looks so well with my other SW figures.
I was at my local hobby store and they had many HT on display. Obi Wan was the big stand out for me in the ANH & SW Universe collection. He just looked that good!! Other HT stand outs were RO Vader and BVS Batman! Not every HT has the "WOW" factor but these three did!!
OK, OK, you guys convinced me: I just ordered one! No Waitlist necessary.
I went back through this thread and looked at some photos that really sold me on the Guinness likeness. At the end of the day, he is my favorite Star Wars character so there's also that angle. Now if only they'd bring back Rogue One Vader...