Han and Chewy will determine if I buy any SW HT figures.
I know from experience that hair is difficult to paint but man that beard is horrible. Al other paintwork like skin, eyes, lips are all amazing, and then they get to the beard...
"Hmmm...What do you want to do here guys?"
"How about we dunk the whole thing in the paint can and leave it to dry?"
Sounds good! Lets do that."
Did Hasbro do this?
Awesome. Time for an upgrade.
Harrison Ford's face cannot be sculpted (apparently) and that Chewbacca fur sculpt...I'd be concerned it will not age well. Like the melting rubber Batman and Comedian figures. I used to own the Sideshow Ben, I prefer the look of this one. Both are not exact but the Hot Toys is less toy looking, as someone else noted.
Ford's sculpt on SS's Hoth Han is almost perfect.
No one's seen the production version yet, so we can't say this.
Grabbed small_studios repaint just for quick compare.
I still think the Sideshow looks closer to my eyes -- granted a bit of caricature there and a bit surprised looking.
It's really not for me to criticise anyone who thinks this sculpt could be improved but this is an honest attempt to make a great figure and it's only off in the sense that ANY sculpt will be slightly off - the perfect sculpt doesn't exist, but this is as good as it gets. I don't see anything lazy or cynical about this, HT have tried hard to get it right.
Leaving aside it's flaws HT have it near to perfect for me
Fingers crossed for EIII Anakin and Jedi Luke!
Fingers crossed for EIII Anakin and Jedi Luke!