It is very, very close. Almost perfect iyam. Some people need their eyes checked if they think the SS version is much better than this proto.
10 years from now when the hobby has evolved, this current "look" that we perceive as highly detailed will be outdated. . .
I think people tend to mistake excessive details like crazy skin wrinkles and paint freckles (even on characters that don't have them) with likeness accuracy
For me, I think it's the mouth and chin that are throwing of the likeness to Guinness. Crop it a bit and I think the nose, eyes, head and hair are dead on.
View attachment 166610
Way closer than Han is to Ford.
That does look really good there.
10 years from now when the hobby has evolved, this current "look" that we perceive as highly detailed will be outdated. Hot Toys is definitely the best in the biz but I think people tend to mistake excessive details like crazy skin wrinkles and paint freckles (even on characters that don't have them) with likeness accuracy. They have a nack for "roughing up" things that should be smooth, not just headsculpts but bodies too ('89 Batman and his rough, cement textured chest armor).
So all that talk about it being canceled was just rubbish someone concocted? Whoever did that business should be shame for themselves now.
So all that talk about it being canceled was just rubbish someone concocted? Whoever did that business should be shame for themselves now.
Where did you order from?just place my order~hope hot toys will release anakin ASAP!
So all that talk about it being canceled was just rubbish someone concocted? Whoever did that business should be shame for themselves now.
Hot Toys is stylized in their own way too. The dark, textured skin and the dead (albeit detailed) glazed over eyes. Pretty much every character they do looks like they have a tan, how about that all those stoic expressions? People don't all look like that with the same color eyes and skin so it's not realistic. When you see a Hot Toys sculpt, you can tell it's a Hot Toys sculpt.
10 years from now when the hobby has evolved, this current "look" that we perceive as highly detailed will be outdated. Hot Toys is definitely the best in the biz but I think people tend to mistake excessive details like crazy skin wrinkles and paint freckles (even on characters that don't have them) with likeness accuracy. They have a nack for "roughing up" things that should be smooth, not just headsculpts but bodies too ('89 Batman and his rough, cement textured chest armor).
The Force is strong with this one!
Agree 200% with you