Looks about the same as before guess they didnt do any impovements, probably why its out so early. Unfortunately i am getting hulk next month and cant afford both at once. Wish this had stayed for november. Still i will just have to get him in november then, would like to see more pictures how the lighted saber.
As with HT Han, he looks really good in higher-contrast lighting. In the softer, brighter photo above, he looks a little Asian and younger. The harsher light (and the dark pics) seems to catch the wrinkles and make him look older and bring out Ben.
I think I'm going to wait until Paramore's pics show up, but it's definitely a gorgeously detailed and painted sculpt. The likeness is slightly hit-and-miss, but hood-up is probably the best detolf pose anyway, and that looks pretty great in the pics we've seen.
I've never had a problem with the sculpt and still don't. It may not be absolutely spot on but I see Guiness there. It especially looks good in the more low light pictures. I think most of these figures don't look their best with lighting shined right on them honestly. Always have to roll my eyes at people who make comments like they can't tell it's supposed to be the actor the figure is portraying at all.