Ohhh man, Wor-Gar vs WWEJedi and SNIKT is like a prequel movie itself.
No... what gave you that idea? It is the Dark Side thread. Only pain and suffering in here.
Ohhh man, Wor-Gar vs WWEJedi and SNIKT is like a prequel movie itself.
"Nothing to see here. Move along, move along."
It would have to be a Prequel.
It's pretty much the Duel of Fates.
You die, but not sorta. Which one is Qui-Gon? They definitely die. The other becomes one of the best Jedi in history.
You die, but not sorta. .
I am Kenobi clearlyLook at my sig and avatar
I die but I get mechanical legs. Look at my mechanical legs! No pants!
Clearly. Congratulations WWEJedi, you make it to the OT!
But SNIKT can be credited with force immortality, so there's that too.
Apparently, and I haven't done it, the hood is attached by threads that can be snipped to make it removable.
There are pictures several pages back.
I'm many many pages back and couldn't find anything
Kinda prefer the look without the hood/scarf.
I'm many many pages back and couldn't find anything
Kinda prefer the look without the hood/scarf.
This look is too awesome.
Is it the equivalent to straw hats during the edo period for Samurais to hide their identity?
YES! this is how i will pose mine.
I was there on the Death Star standing next to Vader to welcome my apprentice Obi-Wan into the netherworld. I sat in Yoda's hut next to Luke and watched him become one with The Force before he joined me in the afterlife. I watched Vader take his last breath before Anakin joined us on the other side....
But then wouldn't everyone know that a straw hat meant secret Samurai?