To be fair Anakin was redeemed and he LITERALLY killed children and his wife
Yes, and he died for it. Exactly my point, thank you.
To be fair Anakin was redeemed and he LITERALLY killed children and his wife
But the "sleeper agent" theory is gaining some traction
Yeah, but he still had to die for it.
And as I've mentioned elsewhere, I think old George was stretching the narrative like a mofo. You don't come back from what Anakin did, unless you accept that he was literally controlled by Palpatine the entire time and totally devoid of free will. Which is also a bit of a stretch, given how Star Wars appears to be set up.
I posted this awhile back.
Kylo flanked by his troopers (jakku and squad)
What do you mean by *traction*?
That JJ Abrams has posted that he is running with an awful fan theory? Otherwise, it's just fanboy speculation.
And shall be treated as such till the next SW movie comes out, lol.
Doesn't anybody remember the time folks were dead-certain that Kylo was a remodeled Revan and that the Sequels would draw from KOTOR? ...
Not sure who would actual believe that, though I'm certain there were some. But going by the films, they are fairly repetitive in their expression of the familial theme and have never delved deep into EU or comics. The films come first -- while the EU is decimated by a simple studio declaration. Even the man who created the universe to start with said he never invested much in EU.... so why would anyone think that the movies would pull from it?
Just bringing some cool shots around again...
Yes, and he died for it. Exactly my point, thank you.
He died from force lightning 30 years later. Kylo getting close to Snoke to kill him falls in line perfectly with his admiration of Vader and "finishing what he started" by killing Snoke and ending the sith
He died from force lightning 30 years later. Kylo getting close to Snoke to kill him falls in line perfectly with his admiration of Vader and "finishing what he started" by killing Snoke and ending the sith
Kylo is angry at everyone for abandoning him...
JJ is showing what happens to children who are not raised by loving family...... They can become seduced by any powerful figure who takes an interest and can be made to do things that should normally horrify them. Just like modern day Jihadist....
No daddy....
No mommy
and my guess is Uncle Luke was not the best influence either....
Enter Snoke..... and promise to mentor him (pay attention to him)
It really not hard to see this is what they are going for......very obvious.
I thought FN#### had a number because he was a clone -- he never had any other name or life apparently. Just a change of heart.
I really think Han's black wife was total marketing misdirection.
JJ is showing what happens to children who are not raised by loving family...... They can become seduced by any powerful figure who takes an interest and can be made to do things that should normally horrify them. Just like modern day Jihadist....
Except Snoke started corrupting him as a young boy. So the rest of this doesn't make a ton of sense lol. They sent him away because Leia realized what was happening.
And to the other discussion, we already know what he is referring to when he says he will finish what Vader started. It's to "destroy the resistance and the last Jedi".
It's a new program where they are raising kids from early childhood to be storm troopers. So not clones. And they explained the whole Han's black wife thing like two comic issues later. It was a fake marriage for a money scheme but then Han bailed with all of the money. They never actually got married.