So jealous
Oh, OK. Still, most people don't read -- they just see a black woman called Mrs Solo and immediately call Finn... Finn Solo.
What's the easiest way to confuse kids on the internet when you need to keep a secret? Lie.
Yep. According to the novelization, Snoke convinced him Vader failed because he allowed the Light to sway him in the end. That's why it was so important for Kylo to kill Han. In doing so, he destroyed the one person who could probably bring him back to the Light.
At this point Kylo is irredeemable.
I thought FN#### had a number because he was a clone -- he never had any other name or life apparently. Just a change of heart.
You seemingly completely forgot about his mother. The one he hasn't shown to have a bad relationship with. In the novel he even abruptly interrupts Snoke when he mentions her name.
If anyone was confused by it I blame them for not researching the matter.
After Finn's "treason" at one point Kylo threatens to replace Hux's army with a clone one if he can't keep them under control.
I'm sure Leia will get her crack at him in VIII or IX. Hopefully he doesn't kill her too.
Honestly I don't see him finding redemption, which is good because it separates him from Vader and consolidates him as a truly evil character.
I'd like for Rey to take him out and for Luke to take Snoke out.
Oh yeah, I do remember that now. Only seen it once.
So he was raised by the FO from embryo? Or captured? Or volunteered and had memory wiped?
That was my point really. Disney and JJ sent a lot of stuff out there to 'misdirect' the masses. Like that preposterous "outline" that many people did buy.
Vader was redeemed for like 2 1/2 minutes and then dad. In the most acted scene the character had in three movies.
He was taken as a small child I believe. I don't think we know if that means they took him forcefully or if the mom donated him though.
Now I have no idea what you are talking about lol. What outline and what does it have to do with the comic?
Oh, OK. Still, most people don't read -- they just see a black woman called Mrs Solo and immediately call Finn... Finn Solo.
What's the easiest way to confuse kids on the internet when you need to keep a secret? Lie.
No, that "full outline" that was circulating. Some "synopsis" that started with Luke's saber floating in space since ESB. Nothing to do with the comics.
In re: to Finn, didn't he say he never had a name, never had a life? Something like that? I got the impression that the FO is all he ever knew. I guess he could have been taken if he was under three. But is the FO wrangling up babies for an army? So who is doing the wrangling so far in advance?
The Call Sheet was 100% legit. There are things that were in it that are in the novel but aren't in the movie. It just means some things got cut during production, and then other things got edited out.
Now I don't know what you're talking about.![]()
This was some outline that was floating around a year before the movie opened, maybe longer. It was posted here time and time again but I never read all of it. What I did read was all wrong... especially the opening scene with Luke's saber hilt from the ESB fight with Vader still floating in space where it is picked up. The saber crosses the screen much like the Imperial cruiser did in the ANH opening (rubbish).
I don't know the "Call Sheet" synopsis. Assuming its been "taped" together off all the call sheets on set. Seems like a really dumb thing to do if you're trying to keep a secret -- put it all on call sheets that you know everyone is going to keep.![]()
Now I don't know what you're talking about.![]()
This was some outline that was floating around a year before the movie opened, maybe longer. It was posted here time and time again but I never read all of it. What I did read was all wrong... especially the opening scene with Luke's saber hilt from the ESB fight with Vader still floating in space where it is picked up. The saber crosses the screen much like the Imperial cruiser did in the ANH opening (rubbish).
I don't know the "Call Sheet" synopsis. Assuming its been "taped" together off all the call sheets on set. Seems like a really dumb thing to do if you're trying to keep a secret -- put it all on call sheets that you know everyone is going to keep.![]()
Agree but I somehow feel v2 is coming with Driver sculpt.
I was going to hold off and wait for the (inevitable) unmasked portrait, but now I'm wavering between just picking this one up. I really like the design. I think Adam Driver/Kylo Ren has an opportunity to create a villain that could rival or even surpass Vader. With Vader you had this ominous, mysterious and powerful person behind a mask, which was part of the mystique because we could only imagine what he looked like. Then you saw the horrifically scarred head in Ep V, but only from behind which hinted at the backstory. And sure the final reveal was a bit of a "really that's who's under the mask?", but nevertheless it was cool. TFA is in some ways setting up the type of descent into evil that Anakin to Vader should have been if the PT had been better written. I'm hoping they continue to evolve the armor to make it more ominous, powerful and cooler than Vader's as opposed to just riffs on the same costume over the next two installments.
Yeah no kidding lol, made me chuckle too. Vader was an absolute boss in ESB, Kylo Ren is like a tantrum throwing toddler. Maybe he'll be a good villain in the future after his training is complete, but right now he can't even touch Vader.Lmaooooooooo I had to stop at surpass vader!
Yeah no kidding lol, made me chuckle too. Vader was an absolute boss in ESB, Kylo Ren is like a tantrum throwing toddler. Maybe he'll be a good villain in the future after his training is complete, but right now he can't even touch Vader.
I've recently gotten in on the theory that Snoke is Darth Plagueis, would be awesome if true. The master of Sidious could be the villain the new trilogy needs.