Hot Toys MMS 692 + 693 BATMAN (1989) 1/6 scale Batman 2.0

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Who in Gawds Name is exited for the changes they'll make it Returns Batman after this?
I mean as long as they keep the suit the same (since that's more sleek armor) I doubt it will be any worse. Unless those faceplates look off then all that goes out the window.
I'm 45 and ain't gettin no younger.

If a perfect 89 Bat's were to happen, it would have by now. I'm content feeling sorry myself and wallowing in self pitty.

Poor me, poor me.

Pour me another drink.
We may never get that unfortunately lol. Look how many times HT have done BaleBat and Ledger Joker and there are still inaccuracies. Maybe if HT had tried to do this suit more than once prior we might have something acceptable now.

The day Mr. Chan gives us an ESB Han/new Raiders Indy I'll have hope for this and Reeve's Superman to be done well. Until then, I'll keep penny pinching.
batman crying GIF
I mean going on this version with how the suit turned out. Doubt HT will make that look all pebbled as this.

Returns Bats had zero texture, IIRC.

They will likely rehaul the entire (imo, beautiful cowl) from the first version. That would be their first and most costly mistake.

It's the mouth plates that were off on that figure. They still oooozed Keaton. But they were very clearly off. Paint of the face places and shade/tone of the lips only made it more obvious.

Love Returns Bats. Absolutely DESPISE the almost.. hollow looking rubber suit on that one tho. Strange.

In figure form, I mean.
There's always an older fish.

View attachment 719456

Meaning Wor-Gar. Mr Awesome has a few years on me.
Hey man, I got no issues with these folks. I'd just ask they make their own franchise. For them.

I'd be all for it.

But to induce this nonsense upon an already established fanbase is evil at best.

They look where the fandoms are, see money, and attack.

I do not agree with this, considering how extremely different their POV on current day life which alters how they write these stories currently.

Returns Bats had zero texture, IIRC.

They will likely rehaul the entire (imo, beautiful cowl) from the first version. That would be their first and most costly mistake.

It's the mouth plates that were off on that figure. They still oooozed Keaton. But they were very clearly off. Paint of the face places and shade/tone of the lips only made it more obvious.

Love Returns Bats. Absolutely DESPISE the almost.. hollow looking rubber suit on that one tho. Strange.

In figure form, I mean.
Hopefully they make the cowl accurate and not change to much of the overall design. Mouth plates can be improved and more then likely the body will be improved. Definitely certain they'd do more if InArt revealed a Keaton Batman.
Hopefully they make the cowl accurate and not change to much of the overall design. Mouth plates can be improved and more then likely the body will be improved. Definitely certain they'd do more if InArt revealed a Keaton Batman.
Agreed, mostly.

I try not to let InArt effect my view on HT. They're both mediocre on different levels. They're both.. Ok.. on different levels.

I'm not the guy to speak to about InArt being head and shoulders above HT. Because I absolutely do not believe that.

At least in the sculpt department. Soft good materials, InArt all the way.
Agreed, mostly.

I try not to let InArt effect my view on HT. They're both mediocre on different levels. They're both.. Ok.. on different levels.

I'm not the guy to speak to about InArt being head and shoulders above HT. Because I absolutely do not believe that.

At least in the sculpt department. Soft good materials, InArt all the way.
Definitely agree though I mainly mean that InArt usually pushes HT enough to put more effort into their figures more if they have the same IPs. Competition is good so I always see it as a benefit when they have that need and make suitable changes to figures.
Definitely agree though I mainly mean that InArt usually pushes HT enough to put more effort into their figures more if they have the same IPs. Competition is good so I always see it as a benefit when they have that need and make suitable changes to figures.
It has pushed them. But I think that push is about to come to a very quick and abrupt end.

InArt absolutely, cannot compete with distribution or amount of product and we've seen what the response is from the community over that.

They absolutely suck right now at getting product out. I know, takes time. Blah, blah, blah.

Guess what? I'm the consumer. I'm the guy putting the money up for the product. Not my problem.

And they have failed, spectacularly.

They are no longer on my radar over this amongst a host of other issues I've seen. I don't hate them for bumps in the road. All companies deal with it.

But I'll not be one of the poor souls that put up with it and receive some of the absolute garbage they've sent out to customers.

So I'm not a InArt apologist but I also understand the troubles they're having getting into the industry.

Edit: Disclaimer

I'm waiting on my first InArt figure - Cavill Supes.

I've not expectation of being satisfied with it.
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The day Mr. Chan gives us an ESB Han/new Raiders Indy I'll have hope for this.
ESB Han will go up for PO next year with red suit Spider-man from SM3, they had to throw up ROTJ & black suit spider-man first. The presence of ESB Chewbacca & 3P0 being shown and all of their other decisions as of late point to this. If we were talking about HT in 2018, not a chance, but now? Yes, here and there we’ve had absolute stinkers (Mace, NWH Tobey), mid level pretty much meh (like this) to quality releases.

I personally don’t think any company will go all the way for me so I feel it’s up to me to give everything a push. Every character is like this; use parts as a base and chase perfection, or be content in your single release and don’t worry about it getting out done later.

I love custom work, I enjoy the long process of gathering parts and seeing the accuracy build up as you go. It’s much sweeter than being handed something stock that everyone will have, unless it’s a vehicle, I don’t want to have to even handle the JazzInc Batmobile much less tinker with it.
ESB Han will go up for PO next year with red suit Spider-man from SM3, they had to throw up ROTJ & black suit spider-man first. The presence of ESB Chewbacca & 3P0 being shown and all of their other decisions as of late point to this. If we were talking about HT in 2018, not a chance, but now? Yes, here and there we’ve had absolute stinkers (Mace, NWH Tobey), mid level pretty much meh (like this) to quality releases.

I personally don’t think any company will go all the way for me so I feel it’s up to me to give everything a push. Every character is like this; use parts as a base and chase perfection, or be content in your single release and don’t worry about it getting out done later.

I love custom work, I enjoy the long process of gathering parts and seeing the accuracy build up as you go. It’s much sweeter than being handed something stock that everyone will have, unless it’s a vehicle, I don’t want to have to even handle the JazzInc Batmobile much less tinker with it.
If that happens I’d be ecstatic. However, Howard has seemingly had an issue with Ford after the incident. If we actually get ESB Han I’ll be happy. Most reasonably thought he wasn’t far off after being teased in the Bespin Leia promo photos. You may be right, but until I can click on that pre-order button I’ll hold my breath.
If that happens I’d be ecstatic. However, Howard has seemingly had an issue with Ford after the incident. If we actually get ESB Han I’ll be happy. Most reasonably thought he wasn’t far off after being teased in the Bespin Leia promo photos. You may be right, but until I can click on that pre-order button I’ll hold my breath.
Everyone thought that for years, until this one, finally got OT Han, just not the one most want, yet.

No muddy waters between them, just wasn’t priority or if there was anything, it fizzled out enough to continue contracts.