Hot Toys MMS 692 + 693 BATMAN (1989) 1/6 scale Batman 2.0

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The screen used cowl is very thick, it’s not a matter of recessing the eye plate, but rather adjusting the thickness of the cowl to where it presses firmly against his skin.
I think the large neck joint for the 2.0 was designed to be compensation for not having the cowl detach from the back to use the PERS ..this way it’s easier to take off the whole cowl much smoother than using the old TT body neck peg like the DX09. I know sometimes you have to really wiggle the DX09 cowl off ..I think this new neck slides off quicker
Yeah I understand the idea of it, it just looks crude.
I think the large neck joint for the 2.0 was designed to be compensation for not having the cowl detach from the back to use the PERS ..this way it’s easier to take off the whole cowl much smoother than using the old TT body neck peg like the DX09. I know sometimes you have to really wiggle the DX09 cowl off ..I think this new neck slides off quicker
does it have a ball joint at the end that plugs into the body on the new one? Cause you can remove the DX09 neck and if the new neck adapter has a ball socket on the end I imagine you could try using the new head, unless the peg sizes are different
does it have a ball joint at the end that plugs into the body on the new one? Cause you can remove the DX09 neck and if the new neck adapter has a ball socket on the end I imagine you could try using the new head, unless the peg sizes are different
This guys review clearly shows that it is hollow


These two little prongs hook into the cowl somewhere in the top of it, not a ball joint. I believe there’s a ball joint in the torso where this neck adapter connects to.
View attachment 721084

These two little prongs hook into the cowl somewhere in the top of it, not a ball joint. I believe there’s a ball joint in the torso where this neck adapter connects to.
I still like this design better because it’s easier to detach the cowl for the rolling eyeballs feature…plus, if you think about it..much easier to have the cowl align with the cape more fluently and flush on the shoulders
I still like this design better because it’s easier to detach the cowl for the rolling eyeballs feature…plus, if you think about it..much easier to have the cowl align with the cape more fluently and flush on the shoulders
Yes I like its purpose, not design.
These two little prongs hook into the cowl somewhere in the top of it, not a ball joint. I believe there’s a ball joint in the torso where this neck adapter connects to.
This is what i'm talking about. could one not remove the adapter off of the new body and attach to the DX09 if you wanted the new head?
I'm talking about the adapter on the body of the new one not the head which would clearly be hollow to fit that massive adapter lol
It has to be a ball joint lodged in the upper torso like we’re used to, it’s the only way the head and adapter can tilt.
This is what i'm talking about. could one not remove the adapter off of the new body and attach to the DX09 if you wanted the new head?
Watch Justin’s review…he couldn’t do it.. I guess the ball joint under this new joint is the wrong size
This is what i'm talking about. could one not remove the adapter off of the new body and attach to the DX09 if you wanted the new head?
Yes, depending on if the new neck adapter fits snugly on the DX09 torso ball joint.
I feel like putting the DX09 cowl on the new ones body is just sticking a band-aid on a the entire issue. While the DX09 mouth plates have a better (not perfect) likeness, the cowl itself is still trash.
I feel like putting the DX09 cowl on the new ones body is just sticking a band-aid on a the entire issue. While the DX09 mouth plates have a better (not perfect) likeness, the cowl itself is still trash.
We’re talking about putting the new cowl on DX09 body.



The overall side profile of the new cowl is almost spot on. Also there aren’t actual crease lines on the new cowl, more like indentations, granted it shouldn’t be there.
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I'd just about ignore any issues a 89 Batman figure has barring the likeness in the mouth plates.

He's not a version of Batman I'd ever have posed dynamically, even if it had the correctly made outfit. He's just gonna stand there, arms to his side with a drape cape coving the majority of his body.

So the body isn't terribly important to me. Hell, the inaccurate texture of the new one, while unfortunate, doesn't bother me to much.

This is why I am not interested in these absurdly priced custom cowls. I don't need a new cowl. I need a new mouth plate.