Hot Toys - MMS 768 - Solo: Range Trooper 1/6 Scale Collectible Figure

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All RO troopers sold out quite quickly, no?

I poed Patrol trooper, so i did my part. Still I’m sure HT will drop the ball, again. No more figures from Solo.

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Death Troopers were still available at PC until a couple of months ago. Jehda troopers still available there (two pack sold out about a month and a half ago). Only the shore trooper went quick.
Too bad, but hardly a surprise.

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Nothing from Solo at NYCC. I'd say that means aside what is already PO'd - that's it. Too bad.

The Solo figures are still being shown at the China show.

If there is only one proto it can't be in two places at once.

Maybe Solo will be a sleeper hit on blu ray etc and we will get our figures?

Hot Toys seem to have remembered Star Wars in recent weeks.

I think there is still hope.
Nooooo :gah: I wanted a Qi'ra figure so much... I'm still hoping!

It's a shame the movie did not perform as well as expected because I really loved it. My dream would be to see Han's M-68 Landspeeder made by Hot Toy along with Han and Qi'ra with their Corellia outfits! I would recreate this awseome scene in Solo!

I saw they made the Speeder for Rey, fingers crossed they make the M-68 Landspeeder...
Nooooo :gah: I wanted a Qi'ra figure so much... I'm still hoping!

It's a shame the movie did not perform as well as expected because I really loved it. My dream would be to see Han's M-68 Landspeeder made by Hot Toy along with Han and Qi'ra with their Corellia outfits! I would recreate this awseome scene in Solo!

I saw they made the Speeder for Rey, fingers crossed they make the M-68 Landspeeder...

Qi'ra was an excellent character. Really intrigued as to what happened next.
I would be interested in a Hot Toy of her but I doubt she will get made sadly.
Nooooo :gah: I wanted a Qi'ra figure so much... I'm still hoping!

It's a shame the movie did not perform as well as expected because I really loved it. My dream would be to see Han's M-68 Landspeeder made by Hot Toy along with Han and Qi'ra with their Corellia outfits! I would recreate this awseome scene in Solo!

I saw they made the Speeder for Rey, fingers crossed they make the M-68 Landspeeder...

Yep they made the Rey Speeder for Cons but never released it for purchase.

I'd also be up for Hans speeder.

But that, unfortunately, is how HT rolls. Very frustrating.
That would be cool. HT should know that troopers don't sit around, no matter what the source movie (or show). And Solo is becoming a bit of a late-comer with fans. Now that it's on streaming and steady rotation on cable channels, more people are finding it and seeing for themselves that it's actually a pretty good movie.

So....this is one case where "maybe someday" still works.

Still amazed we got Krennic (and thrilled).
This would just be amazing if they?d actually make it. This and the Mimban trooper please and thank you
Imperial troopers could pretty much make an appearance in any Disney+ show announced. I can't see Hot Toys skipping those if prototypes are already pieced together.
It's such a shame the Solo box office and hype was just not there. Ignoring the fact it is a great entry in the Star Wars universe (and I was firmly in the I don't need a Han Solo origin film or a recast Harrison camp - but I still did go see it at the cinema and loved it), it had some amazing designs. I would have bought (and still would) the Range Trooper, Mimban Trooper, Death Star Trooper (which obviously doubles as OT), Lando, snow gear version Chewie (although the lack of this Chewie had me just go with regular Han so maybe not), Enfys Nest, Rio Durant, Moloc, Pyke Syndicate alien, Qira, Benthic, and maybe if I'm not bankrupt (both in cash and space), Becket and Drydon Vos (but these two are low on the list).

And while they are at it they can also produce all those Rogue One figures they prototyped plus more! Since I'm dream'in here.
It's such a shame the Solo box office and hype was just not there. Ignoring the fact it is a great entry in the Star Wars universe (and I was firmly in the I don't need a Han Solo origin film or a recast Harrison camp - but I still did go see it at the cinema and loved it), it had some amazing designs. I would have bought (and still would) the Range Trooper, Mimban Trooper, Death Star Trooper (which obviously doubles as OT), Lando, snow gear version Chewie (although the lack of this Chewie had me just go with regular Han so maybe not), Enfys Nest, Rio Durant, Moloc, Pyke Syndicate alien, Qira, Benthic, and maybe if I'm not bankrupt (both in cash and space), Becket and Drydon Vos (but these two are low on the list).

And while they are at it they can also produce all those Rogue One figures they prototyped plus more! Since I'm dream'in here.

Definitely dreaming but rebellions are build on hope. I would love Quay Tolsite for sure, enjoyed his Pyke design.

Points to Sequel Trilogy troopers

Not huge on these Pimp troopers myself personally.

The same here, I think they?re the worst design of the new Disney troopers (outside of the ST obviously). They look too fussy. There are some great parts in there it just doesn?t fit together well imo. The RO Tank Trooper on the other hand is perfection.