Hot Toys - MMS 95 - Terminator Salvation - John Connor- spec + hi-res pics

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Took a pic of the guy tonight :D

Great pic as always Neo!
I only have both John figures and Marcus, and I'm happy with that, they're amazing looking figures and despite how John was underused in the movie, I still feel a personal satisfaction in having John Connor figures, and I really liked the portrayal of Marcus.
I have all of them but yea the V1 Connor would be the toughest for me to part with. It's becoming more and more iconic because that's the Connor we see in all the Salvation movie posters.
Hey guys... If I wanted to upgrade my MMS 95 Terminator Salvation Connor with the more accurate final battle HK rifle and walkie/headset where would be the best place to buy them? I looked on Ebay and had no luck. Thanks. Mike
The Radio and headset is the same. What you're looking for is the FB radio pouch. I found mine at ToyAnxiety a few months ago... it's gone now, but who knows, it might show up again one day if they part more FB Connors.
A lot of people seem to be parting with there TS stuff right now... But I still have my T-600 Rubber Skin Marcus Wright and John Connor... There all real cool to look at so why sell?
I'm not very attached to the TS figures. Boring's not the right word, but I have plenty of other 12" figures I find a lot more exciting.
Looking forward to a rock hard T800 Schwarzie from 'The Terminator'.

More TS pictures in my photo thread.
Well Alice...for a figure you're not very attached to, you sure take some good shots of it....

It's still one of my favorites...
I just keep coming back to these photos. Just awesome bro. I just got back into collecting 1/6 figs after selling ALL of mine to fund my 1:1 addiction. After recently acquiring this JOHN CONNOR I am blown away with the detail it has and am so glad I was able to pick him up. Great fig and again GREAT PHOTOS . Mike

I'm not very attached to the TS figures. Boring's not the right word, but I have plenty of other 12" figures I find a lot more exciting.
Looking forward to a rock hard T800 Schwarzie from 'The Terminator'.

More TS pictures in my photo thread.