I'm really tempted to get a second since I have so many custom Joker heads I could use an outfit for. Sell the PERs and Cop head and it might cover the cost of keeping both outfits. I'm tempted to make Honor Guard Goons as well.
I bet the lowest you'll find the PERS head loose is $100.
That would be great. I've flip flopped back and forth between keeping the head or selling it. As much as moving eyes will be cool, I'm really buying the figure for the costume. I'll be selling the cop joker with all his accessories with the new body, along with the new lighted stand.
my custom narrow body joker shirt done by billyB which is actually better fitting than the first run and also has a more accurate color to it.
Billy mentioned when I ordered a few weeks ago that he'd improved things, which was mind boggling because I've been impressed with his shirt and tie since his first one he made for Les.