Insufferable S.O.B.
You have to keep improving yourself and what you offer.
You have to keep improving yourself and what you offer.
I didn't read through the almost 40 pages to get here, but I skimmed here and there and the opinions about the quality of the figure seems to be collectively high, but the opinions of the perceived Hot Toys greed by way of releasing DX figures seems mixed.
I'm not going to get caught up in it or read too far into it. I just want to say that in the world of collectibles HT isn't the first to have done this, so I'm okay with it. This new Joker figure comes with enough new stuff to justify another release. Hot Toys' wherewithal back during the TDK movie hype may not have been where it is now in terms of resources, so who can blame them for putting out separate releases at timed intervals? Shouldn't we all be happy they're even still releasing figures from this line? Well, I'd rather like an Oldman figure, but hey.
If they release another Joker in half a year's time from now, I'd be on it too as long as there is ample incentive to buy, and that is exactly what this DX Joker is.
Somehow I missed this. Is there any way to still get a BillyB shirt and tie? If so, how?
True, but if they offered you a kick ass Terminator, then 6 months later offered you a better improved version, then 6 months later offered you the Ultimate DX version, you'd get wary.
Oh wait, they're gonna do this on T4.
That's why I ain't buying any T4 stuff now. Good stuff to come next year.
I wouldn't, no b.s.
The quick-consumption culture must change.
I like to have things longer than 6 months.
Maybe so, but just because the majority if not all have done it doesn't make it right for everyone to jump on the bandwagon and follow through with the same business practices. Which we have saw with the money world economy problems. All copy and fail.
Something bigger and better is always going to be released.
I think everytime HT has done this, the fans have screamed foul. From the P2 pred to now. And some even before that with the Robocop with the reveal helmet on Robo3. I don't think anyone likes it from any company. I didn't like it from Medicom with the new THIRD version of the Rocketeer.
I think we should hold all these companies to the same standard...and just like SSC should have released expansion packs for Luke and Han for the stormie accessories, HT should have done the same here. I think the ideal thing to do would have been to offer this set as is and simultaneously release an expansion pack that could be purchased seperately for folks who didn't want the cop joker but did want to update and improve on their V1 joker.
I guess we know why the sudden push to get true types back in the market...![]()
True, but if they offered you a kick ass Terminator, then 6 months later offered you a better improved version, then 6 months later offered you the Ultimate DX version, you'd get wary.
Oh wait, they're gonna do this on T4.
That's why I ain't buying any T4 stuff now. The truly good stuff to come next year.
Fine, but responsibility doesn't just fall on the company. Can you convince all of us to not buy this figure? We bought the previous figures in droves, and we'll likely do the same here. Change the general business practice and buying habits then I'll start complaining about HT's practices.