Responsibility doesn't fall on the company? whos making the figs?... hmm?... you can't tell me Hot Toys relies purely on making Joker figures. Thats just the icing on the cake.
Was I trying to convince people not to buy it? Am I screaming in this thread saying, example... "people STOP!!!11 DON'T BUY HOT TOYS PRODUCTS they are evil and out to get you, don't give them your money, thieving b*****ds!"
I couldn't care what people buy. I buy for me and me alone.
We bought the previous figures because thats all we thought there was going to be. Hence why they advertised the Ultimate Joker or words to that effect with the BRJ head on the v1 fig widescreen screenshots kneeling down etc etc. Heck, they even gave us A4 pamphlets listing the line making you think this is it. In both boxes for BRJ and Two Face.
Besides, thats not the point. Two main points.
1. This is for those who missed out on both v1 and BRJ figs. Mainly. As I'm sure most are well aware by now. As well as the ultimate diehard Joker/Ledger nuts out there who will no doubt get this anyway. The nuts part wasn't meant to offend.
It still feels like a slap in the face for buying v1 to some degree. Because of the short amount of time.
2. They need to slow down on releases! This is my only gripe.
I wouldn't feel as bad if this was announced say August/September/November. At least give a year between a new advanced fig from previously made.
I'll bet there are still some out there that have v1 and have BRJ on pre-order or if not, the BRJ is already winging it's way to their house.