Hot Toys - MMS DX 01- The Dark Knight - The Joker spec and pics

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Some more shots I took today of the cop disguise all put together.







and another Joker shot.
Got my DX-01 today, really really top notch. Here are a few quick shot. The Cop Joker wasn't as interesting to me, so I doubt I would display it, however I was inspired to make an Arkham kitbash.




The prison suit is by Project ARE. I kinda liked the "scrubs" look over the Saturday Toys jumpsuit most used.
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finally got round to putting my cop joker on the v1 jokers body today! im happy enough with the results! 'cop' was too good to leave in the box!
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One pic with the Mollins´ Dio :D
i just got this bad boy at work...i am left speechless right now well worth the wait for him, even my co workers here who think that i just waste my money on these figures looked at them and said it was worth the money i spent on him. cant wait to get home and display him
Guys,... Amazon have it for $155 with free shipping!!!!,......:chew
,,..and if you have Amazon prime,.. $3.99 and you get it monday,...:chew

Jeez, now it's $145. Who'd have thought this would keep going down in price once it was released??
I just got mine today and decided I wanted to save the best for last so I started to put my cop together. A slight pain in the neck, but finally got it looking good.

One problem though. Any tips on getting the cop hat on? Mine just seems to sit on top and it easily falls off. I can't pull it down far enough that it will stay in place.
this figure is soooooo amazing. i don't think i'll ever change his position. it was 2 much work getting the whole grenade thing into his jacket to not display it. by far the best fig in my collection. so LIFELIKE. i feel 5 heath ledgers are standing on my cabinent. Amd that's freaky on so many levels.
so many eyes.....

they're watching me....
South Jersey got 24 freakin inches of snow!! if i dont get my Joker tomorrow I'm gonna go and punch mother nature right in her face.

Rain, snow, sleet or hail, we will deliver your mail
but, i have a but, UPS's code is
"It gets there when IT GETS THERE!!!"