Hot Toys - MMS DX 11 - TDK: The Joker 2.0 Collectible Figure specs and pics

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Man, I didnt think people would get so butt hurt by my comment. Touchy subject? :lol

All Im saying is Im sick of the sock discussion. Complain about something else.
Man, I didnt think people would get so butt hurt by my comment. Touchy subject? :lol

All Im saying is Im sick of the sock discussion. Complain about something else.

I don't care about the socks either. To me accuracy really bothers me, but only if it is something that is noticeably visable when watching the movie, I wasn't looking at his socks through the movie.

That being said, it's still a positive thing having more accurate stuff :hi5:
Man, I didnt think people would get so butt hurt by my comment. Touchy subject? :lol

All Im saying is Im sick of the sock discussion. Complain about something else.

Yeah socks thing is getting old- fix it if you want, I could care less as long as it is the best Joker in 1/6 out there- and it is!

Just like some folks saying DX 12 is a piece of crap without tiny mods and I think it is stunning top to bottom, but guess that's just me...
i'm in the camp of who cares about small inaccuracies. people like to mod their figures. they mod the heck out of them even when they don't need it (dx12). they'll find "inaccuracies" just to do the mods, even if they have to make them up (dx12).

the complaining is silly, but whatever. i won't change a thing on dx11 regardless what the final looks like.

I just assumed it was because they still don't know how to make a pair of suspenders that don't break the first time you remove the jacket. Unless my Joker is unique in this area.

i've removed the dx01's pants twice (and no, not to check if his bits were accurate) and have never had a problem with the suspenders. maybe you got a weak pair (of suspenders).

I wish i could see all the jokers row after row all set up at the factory..One big factory school of jokers...:lol

the coat isnt looking to good

My first thought too.

LOL the entire outfit looks identical to the prototype minus different lighting. :dunno

You don't think the jacket lost something? It might just be poor futzing, but look at the shoulders, they were nicely squared off on the proto, but now they look just like the DX01.

Who gives a **** about the socks? :lol

People that want to pose him sitting down.
i'm in the camp of who cares about small inaccuracies. people like to mod their figures. they mod the heck out of them even when they don't need it (dx12). they'll find "inaccuracies" just to do the mods, even if they have to make them up (dx12).

This coming from the guy who modded his for more leg articulation :rolleyes2 Which would, in tern, fix an inaccuracy of the DX12 to make it as flexible as the screen worn suit

Guess you made that up too, huh? :lol :slap
i'm in the camp of who cares about small inaccuracies. people like to mod their figures. they mod the heck out of them even when they don't need it (dx12). they'll find "inaccuracies" just to do the mods, even if they have to make them up (dx12).

So you disagree that the gloves are tucked in in TDKR?
Man, I didnt think people would get so butt hurt by my comment. Touchy subject? :lol

All Im saying is Im sick of the sock discussion. Complain about something else.

Yeah, I'm totally butt hurt about it. It seems to me that you might be the one that's "butt hurt," as you said, considering that this isn't the first discussion about socks that you've felt the need to interject how sick of those discussions you are. To some people, every detail is important, and with that in mind, they are going to discuss certain things that you might not like. My best advice would be to deal with it.

Very, very happy with that headsculpt. I also like the "regular" one a lot.

What I don't like are those horrible stitches on the vest. :horror But it was expected that final production clothes wouldn't match Kato's prototype work anyway. The jacket looks too thick as well, but maybe it's just futzing as others have mentioned.
I think it's funny how small, 1/6 socks are the catalyst for heated arguments for members on these boards.
I love this new joker. But to me his new gloveless hands look smaller than the HT hands of the past.

sent from my Speak & Spell