Hot Toys - MMS DX 11 - TDK: The Joker 2.0 Collectible Figure specs and pics

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This picture looks so wrong :lol



Though, I do find myself liking obscure things in this set that AREN'T the figure itself.


- Potato Peeler

- New foldable knife

- two shoe blades

- Table (that hole in there for the pencil is genius)

- Grey sports undercoat (great tailoring there)

- realistically painted hands

- detonator and box, looks like real brown paper

- laughing head is alright I guess

- better colored gloves

- orange lining, finally!

Not sure about:

- regular headsculpt


- purple coat, definitely (looks cheap)

- scanned face paint printing (also cheap, no more hand painted I guess)

- shoes look horrible, like pizza dough shoulda been sculpted plastic

- price tag, awful price


I think his forearms are painted as well, so that's nice.
Letting the costume and accessories aside for a minute, it's undoubtedly a wonderfully good DX set..

My biggest question is this...
Why doesn't it look like Ledger?

It doesn't at all to me, does anyone see him here?
I just don't see it.
Letting the costume and accessories aside for a minute, it's undoubtedly a wonderfully good DX set..

My biggest question is this...
Why doesn't it look like Ledger?

It doesn't at all to me, does anyone see him here?
I just don't see it.

You are not the only one. I think the normal sculpt kinda looks like the Enterbay's :gah:

No worries, theres always Joker DX 3.0 :lol
Think you're the first of the Kato set owners to say so :lol (though I think you don't have it anymore, you've still had it in your hands before).


I think yours look better, man. But yeah for the price, this is not bad at all. :lol

Well in honesty I really don't know what people were expecting. For mass production the coat looks great, a vast improvement over previous attempts.

Of course it's not up to scratch with Kato individual pieces but it never would be. ESP for the cost.
It doesn't look like Ledger because his face has scars on it and a bunch of paint. Let's face it.. the Joker himself, in real life, didn't look like Heath Ledger.
It doesn't look like Ledger because his face has scars on it and a bunch of paint. Let's face it.. the Joker himself, in real life, didn't look like Heath Ledger.

Let's rephrase then, ...It doesn't look like Heath Ledger playing the Joker in full Joker make up and with prosthetic scars as seen in the motion picture "The Dark Knight".


We mean it doesn't look like Ledger in TDK, not Ledger in Brokeback Mountain..

Still looking forward to having a good look at this set though, seems like a fun set to open.
Oh I don't know, the laughing sculpt is close to some of the looks he has on his face in some scenes he had in that film.
But it does look like "The Joker" in TDK, The Enterbay sculpt so far was the best representation of The Joker in TDK, and this is a very close second.
Ello Ello Ello Ello.....what's goin on here???
Bats couldn't wait til the third movie when Robin showed up???


Letting the costume and accessories aside for a minute, it's undoubtedly a wonderfully good DX set..

My biggest question is this...
Why doesn't it look like Ledger?

It doesn't at all to me, does anyone see him here?
I just don't see it.

honestly, i don't see any likeness of ledger from all jokers ht produced and even the newly 1/4 enterbay one, all i can see that both this new dx and the enterbay one does have a great likeness to the joker from the movie, but maybe that's just me :cuckoo:
Not that expected differently... but the hair on this, to me makes me crazy... it in NO WAY resembles how his hair looked at any single point in the film.

I know a lot of you guys don't like rooted hair... but I honestly think for almost $300 this should have rooted hair or at least sculpted/rooted combo...

The sculpt just isn't quite there and there is no way to hide it with the hair like it is... I hate that even with his head tilted down the hair still holds a downward angle...

I sold my DX01 so I will he getting this to represent the TDK joker in my collection... but I can't say I'll ever be satisfied with this outcome especially considering the iconic status of this character.

The Jingo Bell photographs on Facebook make this figure look incredible in my opinion. No disrespect to OMG, but his lighting isn't as soft and natural. I'm not completely blown away like a lot of you, but I think when we get this thing in-hand and open it up we'll be impressed. Remember that photographs cannot always do a piece justice. The paint application compared to the DX01 is just miles beyond. I'm looking forward to seeing this in person before I make any judgements.
Holy crap you guys are right, there's obvious dithering in the paint application in those Elijah close ups. Not hand painted, at least, in the traditional sense.

I'm not seeing it... I see pores on the skin. Where specifically are you seeing this?