Hot Toys - MMS DX 11 - TDK: The Joker 2.0 Collectible Figure specs and pics

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Well, ****; am I dreaming or did they fix those socks!?! :eek:

Laughing headsculpt is all I would want from this. Happy enough with the stern Joker head in my avatar. I like the purple stand though. And the shoes, but not worth another plunge into the Joker character after my Small Studios Joker. I also do NOT like the PERS on this one, looks weird IMO. As if the eyes are too deep.
It was rhetorical, but thanks, anyways.:lol :duff

This thing is incredibly impressive, and I can't wait. Bring on the topless Chinese man unboxing!
The DX01's coat has nothing on this imo.
Also really don't like the BR Joker sculpt

Then this is the one for you. Dont see why the dx1 coat has nothing on this one though. Tailoring is about equal. Material looks better than this bathing robe look this one has. And the dx1 has the grenade rig, but to each his own.

Sculpt on br Joker is insane, paint apps on this is better though. Cant see how you cant like the BRJ sculpt. It screams ledger. o_O
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I really like him. The coat should look great f you futz it enough.
All Batman villains (I heard that Catwoman could come next week...) seem to emerge at the moment and I like it !!
It's sad to say, but this may be my only only Nolan Batman figure this year. That being said, I want to get a DX 12 just for the awkward photo opportunities (i.e. Batman gives him the creepy smirk, Joker has a half smirk with his head cocked to the side, Batman gives him the creepy laugh, Joker busts out laughing).