Hot Toys - MMS DX 11 - TDK: The Joker 2.0 Collectible Figure specs and pics

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While that is mostly true about this hobby, ive hated the Dx01 from the beginning. :lol It isn't nearly as good as the Bank robber joker headsculpts or the dx 2.0.

Yeah, I thought the same thing. I held the Bank Robber head in high regard, still do. Paint job is a little dated, but hell, it should be, it was a 2008 figure.

No denying that, for the majority, it's old crap though. In the DX 01 thread I was one of those guys that was like "c'mon, the V1/Bank Robber combo isn't that bad" while everyone was hyping up the DX 01. No different from the folks in here. Now, by this time with the DX 11, I've learned to just ride with the hype. I don't ditch my "inferiors/obsoletes" anyway. Still got my MMS 117 Arnold, still got the V1 with Bank Robber combo, DX 02 Batman etc. etc.

I'll buy every Nicholson and Ledger Joker they do, even if I do think rerereleases or "relaunches" are a tad obnoxious. I dig this guy, other than the crappy looking coat and some paint methods, he'll be mine. Price stinks though. Can't fathom paying for it without rewards points. You guys that get this for $300 get mad props and my respect. I couldn't stomach that.

But it was a little darker than dust or lint. He looked like he had dried crap on his suit at some points of the film. :lol

believe it or not the DX11 even smells of soap ,,,, ?? it just does:cuckoo: am not making this up. on mines it does :lol

I was being sarcastic, anyone who pays that kind of money for action figure "clothes" is a moron.
dont say i didn,t warn u guys. after recieving ur dx 11 . expect a slap from gf or wife, :lol (were hell you been ?) i was in the room futzing my Joker honest.
That's the medicom Joker? I see the box in the background.

Looks pretty good. Not sure why everyone said it was junk.
Lol. 2 grand? The coat is $300. I know becuz I have one

I was exaggerating on purpose. But wasn't the full set close to a grand? And either way, $300 for a figures "coat" is F'ing ridiculous.:lol

Yeah, I thought the same thing. I held the Bank Robber head in high regard, still do. Paint job is a little dated, but hell, it should be, it was a 2008 figure.

No denying that, for the majority, it's old crap though. In the DX 01 thread I was one of those guys that was like "c'mon, the V1/Bank Robber combo isn't that bad" while everyone was hyping up the DX 01. No different from the folks in here. Now, by this time with the DX 11, I've learned to just ride with the hype. I don't ditch my "inferiors/obsoletes" anyway. Still got my MMS 117 Arnold, still got the V1 with Bank Robber combo, DX 02 Batman etc. etc.

I'll buy every Nicholson and Ledger Joker they do, even if I do think rerereleases or "relaunches" are a tad obnoxious. I dig this guy, other than the crappy looking coat and some paint methods, he'll be mine. Price stinks though. Can't fathom paying for it without rewards points. You guys that get this for $300 get mad props and my respect. I couldn't stomach that.

Neither do I. If I buy something, Im buying it because I truly love the source material. I don't buy collectibles because of the "whats new is better trend" and the "hype" and then sell it 3 months later for the next new thing. (which that's what 80% of the people on this forum do :lol)
Neither do I. If I buy something, Im buying it because I truly love the source material. I don't buy collectibles because of the "whats new is better trend" and the "hype" and then sell it 3 months later for the next new thing. (which that's what 80% of the people on this forum do :lol)

Part of the 20% :yess:
I still like the DX 01. It was a good figure, but, at the end of the day, I didn't like it enough to turn down a profit, particularly with another on the way. I believe that it did a good job of capturing The Joker, but it was lacking in the Ledger likeness department, just as a lot of the custom sculpts do a good job of capturing Ledger, but not the Joker. I think that's why I love this DX 11. The sculpt is arguably the best Joker sculpt I've seen because it captures both the actor and the essence of the character. On the subject of the DX 01, though, that was an awesome figure; hell, it's the one that made me cross the threshold from those DC Direct giants into Hot Toys and other 1/6th scale stuff.

I'm okay with the coat, though. I love the outfit(even the coat). I can choose to look at it as a glass half empty, in that it might be a little different from what I was expecting, or I can choose to look at it as a glass half full, which is what I'm going to do. Is the pattern nice? Yes. Is the color accurate? Yep. Did they get the inner lining right? Yes, again. Can it be better? As DiFabio said, things can always be better, but I like this figure, and I like it a whole damn lot, and I'm not going to let something that will probably negligible in hand take away from my enjoyment of the figure.

I'll admit, I complain. I complained about the socks just as I've complained about other things, but, even though the socks are still inaccurate, I won't let that bother me either. They made an effort to fix them, and, for whatever reason, they can't. That's fine, but the fact of the matter is that there's no point in complaining anymore. The figure is already in the consumers hands, so your best bet is to just take it in and enjoy it. It's not like it's a huge problem, either. A huge problem is when you get a Batman that, while the body looks good, can only be displayed as creepy, constipated, or in the midst of an orgasm. That's probably why I have yet to buy that figure.:lol

I think that, overall, though, this offering has figure of the year potential. It's got loads of accessories, two very solid head sculpts, and a costume that, for all intents and purposes, is about as accurate as you're going to get without shelling out loads of dough. I presume whoever cares about this figure is a Nolan Batman fan, so how about venting your frustration of Mistah Jay's fur in the form of complaints and requests about the 1/4th scale Batman's head. THAT is something to complain about.