Super Freak
If someone doesn't like the coat it comes with they can always pay two grand for Kato's version.
Lol. 2 grand? The coat is $300. I know becuz I have one
If someone doesn't like the coat it comes with they can always pay two grand for Kato's version.
While that is mostly true about this hobby, ive hated the Dx01 from the beginning.It isn't nearly as good as the Bank robber joker headsculpts or the dx 2.0.
The dust and fuzz it picks up will be nuts.
I was being sarcastic, anyone who pays that kind of money for action figure "clothes" is a moron.
Does he have diarrhea cramps?
Lol. 2 grand? The coat is $300. I know becuz I have one
Yeah, I thought the same thing. I held the Bank Robber head in high regard, still do. Paint job is a little dated, but hell, it should be, it was a 2008 figure.
No denying that, for the majority, it's old crap though. In the DX 01 thread I was one of those guys that was like "c'mon, the V1/Bank Robber combo isn't that bad" while everyone was hyping up the DX 01. No different from the folks in here. Now, by this time with the DX 11, I've learned to just ride with the hype. I don't ditch my "inferiors/obsoletes" anyway. Still got my MMS 117 Arnold, still got the V1 with Bank Robber combo, DX 02 Batman etc. etc.
I'll buy every Nicholson and Ledger Joker they do, even if I do think rerereleases or "relaunches" are a tad obnoxious. I dig this guy, other than the crappy looking coat and some paint methods, he'll be mine. Price stinks though. Can't fathom paying for it without rewards points. You guys that get this for $300 get mad props and my respect. I couldn't stomach that.
I've often wondered what Joker does while sitting on the toilet. Does he read? Listen to his MP3 player? ********** furiously?
Neither do I. If I buy something, Im buying it because I truly love the source material. I don't buy collectibles because of the "whats new is better trend" and the "hype" and then sell it 3 months later for the next new thing. (which that's what 80% of the people on this forum do)
i'm not sure the joker even uses the toilet.