Hot Toys - MMS DX 11 - TDK: The Joker 2.0 Collectible Figure specs and pics

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The fact that HT is making Bat-signal and armory dioramas for the Nolan trilogy makes me wonder if we won't see a more substantial "Interrogation room" set-up at some point in an official capacity.
Congrats to the people who've got Joker in hand. Mine isn't due until March from Collectibles Direct UK (my most frequented source for sixth scale) so I'm keeping myself happy with a few other things for now.

Looking back at the original promo pics, Joker's coat was already a bit furry looking. From the most recent pics people have been posting, it doesn't look too bad. Harsh lighting really brings out the flaws, but unless you live in a salon or an operating theatre that won't be much of an issue. I can see why some people wish it was more like the old DX01 though.
I think the same will happen once these things are in hand. OMG said the tailoring was fantastic. I'm sure if the coat looked like a bathrobe in hand he'd have mentioned it as an issue.

Good point. Just as some pics sold me and made me buy some of the figures in my collection, some pictures also almost made me not buy some. I think it's that photographs sometimes tend to capture little details that are not too flattering, but are actually not noticeable in-hand. Pictures made me think that DX07's hair pieces looked too toyish, but I was proven wrong when I saw the actual figure. It could be the same with DX11's coat that looked like a robe because of the textures caught b the lens.
In the pictures it does look like a robe but as people said, none of the reviews so far say anything bad about it.

I cannot wait to get my hands on him! April is a long way away! :(
Damn dude :horror I'll just buy the figure and maybe part it out then.

You brave soul you :D

Eh, like I said it's the only part of the figure I wanted. Everything else would stay in the box, and I'm not paying the extra cost for an outfit I'm not impressed by. I'm actually surprised the laughing sculpt is going for about $40 less.
I bet after it's all said and done and the dust settles, the laughing sculpt will go for pennies.

Secondary headsculpts, no matter how good they are, tend to go really cheap (other than Bruce Wayne). Just look at the Terminator figures or past Jokers.
Secondary headsculpts, no matter how good they are, tend to go really cheap (other than Bruce Wayne). Just look at the Terminator figures or past Jokers.

yeah ~ that dx01 cop sculpt; you can't give it away!

: o p

edit: come to think of it, that bank robber joker sculpt is sooo cheap too! i've been trying to hand them out on street corners too and nobody wants them.
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Eh, like I said it's the only part of the figure I wanted. Everything else would stay in the box, and I'm not paying the extra cost for an outfit I'm not impressed by. I'm actually surprised the laughing sculpt is going for about $40 less.

No I know. Just saying you could part out the rest and maybe break even.