The Chev
Super Freak
In regards to Nurse Joker, Hot Toys stated in a QnA that they weren't able to make that version because WB. and Christopher Nolan specifically, felt it was morbid and offensive or something. Hot Toys clearly wanted to do it and I think in the 5 years they've had the license they would have put one out by now. I mean, we got an Honor Guard version! I'm sure the Nurse was thought up and developed a few years ago but never came into fruition because they were asked not to make one.
I don't see how licensing or Nolan somehow stops them from doing it if they HAVE the rights to make one. I doubt there's a clause or some kind of contract that states, "oh, you can't make Nurse Joker". That's just ridiculous.
I'm sure we'll see another Ledger Joker soon, probably another purple suited version. DX 3.0!
As for the recent QnA, they could very well mean Nicholson Joker considering how much they've expressed interest in doing variation after variation of him and that "civilian mob" stuff. Look at the Mime, that came out of nowhere.
Too morbid? Nolan's one of the people who came up with the idea.

Well, they have asked them not to do one a few years ago, but who knows what a few years from now will bring us. In the words of the other Batman...."Things change."