Super Freak
Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and
Regardless, HK face>SD face.
Regardless, HK face>SD face.

Yeah which is why I'm not all that big a fan of it
He'll get it to sit sure, but the texture of the actual cape IS velvet on the outside, so that's not gonna change (unless HT changes it!)
Yeah this figure is pretty damn impressive. One of HT's best pieces.
You going to get two? I'm debating whether or not to get two. I thought the DX02 was great back then, so I got two. Now it's the same feeling with this.
I know about the texture and what not of the actual capethis isn't meant to sound rude, just dont know how else to type it, but I do know just about all the details to the actual suit, I just don't care as much about the little things that might be off on the figure as much as some. If the figure presents itself in a way that I like and think it looks badass, I don't care about the little things which is most of the time in HT case.
Back to the cape, to me looks like the velvet like material they used I the TF EX Batman just withought the lining this time. I like the weight of Lance's capes but no the look. Personal preference![]()
Well since I still have leakyman i'll just get one for now. I'll either use the Wayne sculpt for the DX02 or use leaky for a sonar setup. We'll see. I actually look forward to your excellent pics though.
Maglor will be happy, the rib armour on his left looks to have moved.![]()
Futz that belt fools!
Maglor will be happy, the rib armour on his left looks to have moved.
I think this thing will be pretty easy to futz. I personally am happy about the rib armour too (you weren't on your own mags) also his shoulder armour looks good on his right arm here too. Nice and close to the arm.
Wipe it down with a damp cloth, just a bit dripping so the surface is quite wet. Clears it up without buffing any areas. It eventually stops.
But I must say, that although this is closest to replicating the actual suit, aesthetically, from the neck down, I still like the dx02 body better.
Although its rigid, I think it looks closest to the full scale.
On several pics posted of the actual suit, unless it was noted, I have to look to see if its the actual or the dx02 body.
The dx12 though is better in replicating the mechanics of the actual suit and being capable of dynamic poses.
The belt looks amazing also. The dx02's belt still look too toyish for me.
And although I never use any of these bulky dx bases, I'm gonna have to find room for this one. I actually do love the base.
Overall, this is the best batman figure yet.
I can see MAYBE liking the torso on the DX02 better aesthetically. But the chest armour, the arms, the legs, the boots...all of them are far more accurate than the DX02.
But you're entitled to your opinion of course![]()
Yeah, from the neck down, I just favor the dx02's look slightly better. I never really had any issues with it aside from the neck and cowl. Well, and the toyish belt.
Then again, that may all change once I have this figure in hand.
But with all the positive qualities this figure have, this is a must have figure.