Re: HOT TOYS : MMS DX 12 - The Dark Knight Rises - Batman/Bruce Wayne Full specs and
Yes that's EXACTLY what happens!!!! Stop listening to our words before you innocent mind gets poisoned! Save yourself before its too late
I'm sure "the teeth" are in the movie
Wow so collecting for a while makes you extremely picky when it comes to the tiniest flaws? Haha i just got into this hobby and im blown away by these things. I can understand being picky after seeing the prices though...insane
Yes that's EXACTLY what happens!!!! Stop listening to our words before you innocent mind gets poisoned! Save yourself before its too late

I think some people are forgetting that half of these expressions are taken from "The Dark Knight Rises" meaning more than likely they will work well with a scene created where Bats and Bane are going at it.
As for the mouth/chin sculpt under the cowl, I think its great... no issues ressembling Bale at all.
Now bring on Bane!