This is probably my most, biggest turnaround in how I felt about a figure. Initially, I wanted to cancel my order cause I wanted to do a Medix.
Since my dx02 was futzed and displayed well in the shelf, when I first received this figure, I was drawn to its flaws.
It was probably my biggest disappointment opening a Hot Toys.
I didnt care for any of the faceplates, So that was already a big downer since that's the head is the focal point.
The other thing was the legs, mainly the small ankles enhancing the thunder thights. I cant stand the boots.
Thankfully, the mods dramatically changes most of the problems. The biggest thing is...and I cant stress enough, Robbie's faceplate.
If you have a dx12...HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend his faceplate. It dramatically changes the cowl. That combined with painting the eyes, the difference is night and day. I also prefer the skin tone on Robbie's faceplate, its lighter flesh color gives a cowl and faceplate a better constrast like in the movie, and it also already sinks in which looks more natural. This is a mandatory mod in my opinion.
The other mod that I did that fixes another big issue is switching the boots to Batman Begins/Bruce Wayne Boots. I sprayed it with gloss since it was a little matted for my taste. The boots were a little loose so I stuck a very small foam at the calves to tighten the boots a bit so it'll hug the legs better, it fixed the 2nd biggest gripe on the figure. I tried doing the mods of putting electrical tape at the ankle, but no matter how I tried, it just looks weird to me. I dont know if its just me, but it looks like a fat woman's legs with no ankles. unmodded, the ankles looks too skinny.
The Boots switch...for me is a drastic change cause it looks more natural. It also seem to give him a slight height adjustment, he looks like .5" taller and it makes the legs proportinate that the thighs doesnt bother me anymore.
The other mods that I've done is putting electrical tape in the neck shoulder area so now the neck looks more natural.
Heated and reshaped the shoulder plates and stuck them in the freezer.

I cut the gloves and did the gauntlet mod.
I also used the batarang from my 1/4 EB batman. I just prefer it better than the smaller 1/6 version.
Lastly, I know HT supplied a surprisingly nice cape, but still, it falls short to a Lforigno cape. I like the deep dark of the velvet cape.
I also, slightly covered the LED lights in the detolf with some blue filter that gives a blue hue to the shelf, gives it the moody look.
Now, I'm sooo impressed and happy with this figure.