Hot Toys MMS DX; your thoughts?

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Thanks for stepping in and making the world a better place cr'.:rolleyes: Please stop pretending that there's some noble purpose to your comments. Your previous attacks and statements on this board bare out your true intentions.

To put this in perspective, a lot of people on this board routinely spend $100 or more on an action figure. Your not some Robin Hood protecting those of lesser fortune.

Having said that, you COMPLETELY missed the point of my previous post. I don't believe that everyone can afford to keep buying doubles of things. I certainly can't. However, I accept the fact that companies tend to upgrade things on a regular basis. It's up to you to decide whether you think it's worth it or not.

Televisions, computers and even toys are CONSTANTLY upgraded. God knows Medicom has made 3 or four versions of Ultraman and Kamen Rider. I'm a BIG fan of those characters, and as an early adopter, bought the first releases of each of those figures.

They've since made improvements to those figures, and although tempted, I've decided to just stick with the originals. I'm not angry with Medicom for upgrading. They purchased a license for REALLY popular characters and are trying to make a return on their investment. It was my decision to save the money for something else down the line.

In it's most fundamental form, a company's purpose is to make money. One hopes that they consider the customer, but they are certainly not some charitable organization.

In this particular case, Hot Toys didn't just release the same joker 3 different times with slight upgrades. They upgraded dramatically each time.

As I understand it, when the V1 was released, they had very little reference for the sculpt, but wanted to capitalize on the film's release and decided to release it. If they hadn't, everyone would've been complaining about how long they took to release a Joker figure after the release of the film.

Next, Hot Toys didn't just release a refined version of the same figure over and over. They gave three different versions of the character from the film. The DX version is a new figure AND an upgrade. If you have an extra body lying around, you basically get two figures for the price of one. Hot Toys obviously want to compete with Enterbay and are following the Fist of Fury template.

I NEVER suggested that no one has the right to speak their opinion. I just find it interesting that people get upset because a company improves their product and tries to make money. I think Hot Toys wants to be profitable AND make the customer happy.

i'm sorry, but could someone please give me a short version of what he said above? dont feel like reading a letter in a toy forum.
Well he does have a "Tool" in his avatar.

well what's wrong with a wrench? i dont like your discriminating tone. it's a toy too. anyway, the avatar is a gift from a poster here. i would thank him again if only i remember who it was.
One of them pirates no doubt. Slimey, I mean The Slug or mr thrifty was throwing that spanner around, from memory.
i thank all them pirates then. :lol

wrench is very useful. it can tighten loose screws and block attacks coming at you. multi functional. more useful than v1 joker, i would say.
One would think it's particularly cold around your area, and you have to put up with many hypocritical bullies. Would that be correct? :lol
:lol i try to keep myself well padded at all times though.
MMS version


or the MMS DX

i'm sorry, but could someone please give me a short version of what he said above? dont feel like reading a letter in a toy forum.

Sure, here's the short version:

you're a******.jpg:D
Don't get sucked in Ultramanimator. The new rules might see you get an infraction. Bail out. Bail out!!! :lol
you replaced a long message with a pic that takes as much space. congrats.

I'd like a DX Jack Sparrow myself.
at least those who bought the prior versions will have the time to enjoy their purchase. v1 joker was released only months ago. maybe they should just put an expiration date on their toys from now on. it'd only be fair. disclaimer: this toy will be useless in 6 months.