Hot Toys MMS DX; your thoughts?

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i have no respect for opinions whom i think are worthless, sure.
I must admit you are very talented. You have a talent of completely missing what people are saying. It would be nice if you could learn to "listen" and not savor every morsel of what "you" say or write.
okay okay, let me try it...


yeah... that IS fun. no wonder you do that often. makes me feel so much wittier already. let me do it again...


yeah... that's the stuff. it's addictive i tell you.
okay okay, let me try it...


yeah... that IS fun. no wonder you do that often. makes me feel so much wittier already. let me do it again...


yeah... that's the stuff. it's addictive i tell you.

Finally, something positive from cr'. Before long we'll be hugging, riding high horses and buying multiple versions of expensive toys.:D

With that, I admit, I should probably lighten up. Come on cr' waddaya say?
How about we move the insults to PMs and keep this place for discussing Hot Toys DX figures? You guys had your fun but I'm sure I'm not the only one annoyed at reading this feud. Sorry guys.
I wish we could get a close look on how the system works. There is a picture showing the back of Joker's hair being separated to allow access to the eyes. I wonder if that will be the norm for all figures? Surely it can't be just that simple with every figure they make. What about a bald head?

On another note, in regards to people worried that they'll release figures and then just update them with DX versions soon down the road, I don't think that will happen because this eye moving thing is new to Hot Toys figures. They'll probably know which figures they want to have moving eyes and just release that figure in the DX line instead of make a regular release. That way they don't double dip a figure right after it is released. So before a figure is made they decide whether it will be a DX or a regular figure and leave it at that. Not every figure will get the DX treatment.

That's how I'd do it anyway. I guess we'll see when they start cranking out more DX figures what they do.
what other characters would u folks like to see given the DX treatment?

said it b4 but just thot i'd repeat myself. i'd really want:
- robocop (with alt battle-damaged armour and/or alt helmetless murphy headsculpt)
- drake, hudson, hicks and ripley from aliens (hicks with alt acid scarring, ripley with bonus newt figure)
- kyle reese and arnold t-800 from terminator1 (t800 with alt half-face battle damage, reese with optional 1984 street clothes n weapons)
tyler, I agree with you on those - great choices :)

As for myself, I'd really like HT to do Freddy Mercury as a DX. As we all know the original head sculpt was more of a caricature if anything. Seeing as HT now are going for a dead on likeness when possible, this is a great opportunity for them to upgrade the sculpt to their current abilities. Maybe they could even include a 70's long haired version sculpt of Freddy, along with an outfit he wore from that era as well. Also, it was not as widely available when it was on sale, compared to the HT figures these days. So, I think with a new sculpt and re-release, would probably see it sell quite well over the original. I'd rather that HT look more into their figures like Freddy Mercury to consider doing in their the DX line, rather than going over a character which they have had a go at a few times already.
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like i said, that's YOUR point of view. and it's just one point of view. you are okay with it because your wallet is thicker than some other collectors's. i'm saying there's another way of looking at this, and it's perfectly fine for these collectors to feel how they feel. when a poster thinks these group should just shut up and be grateful and just buy another version, then i feel i have to talk some sense into him.

My wallet isn't thicker, I just focus my spending. If I tried to buy everything Hot Toys I'd be SOL:lol. In the end all we have are opinions so I agree it is important that opinions are not truths, just points of view. But it is interesting to think about what leads people to take certain view points: what makes someone see the glass as half empty, and what makes someone see the silver lining
I wish we could get a close look on how the system works. There is a picture showing the back of Joker's hair being separated to allow access to the eyes. I wonder if that will be the norm for all figures? Surely it can't be just that simple with every figure they make. What about a bald head?

looks to be similar to enterbay's moving eyes. Not very many bald characters that would get the DX treatment so I wouldnt worry about that just yet. Although I do wonder how they will do it for batman's cowl.

I do wish it was more like Enterbay's though, where the whole hairpiece comes off as if it is a wig so it doesnt leave any seams, instead of half of the hair which the joker seems to have.
I'd LOVE to see HT do a DX line of the classic Universal Monsters, but alas, I don't think that will ever happen.:(

You never know. Hot Toys did revisit the Planet of the Apes. Anything is possible. That's a line I would like to purchase from HT too.
looks to be similar to enterbay's moving eyes. Not very many bald characters that would get the DX treatment so I wouldnt worry about that just yet. Although I do wonder how they will do it for batman's cowl.

I do wish it was more like Enterbay's though, where the whole hairpiece comes off as if it is a wig so it doesnt leave any seams, instead of half of the hair which the joker seems to have.

Has there been any confirmation that a Batman will be done?
Hot Toys mentioned in a magazine that their plan is for TDK Batman to be DX02. I guess it isn't 100% definite but I'd say chances are high.

Sounds like confirmation enough for me. HT always leaves little teasers or bits of info to wet our appetites and then releases the items shortly after.
Finally, something positive from cr'. Before long we'll be hugging, riding high horses and buying multiple versions of expensive toys.:D

With that, I admit, I should probably lighten up. Come on cr' waddaya say?

now why would you say something like that for? dont you know i have a reputation to maintain around here. my fanbase see me as a hard-on, i dont want to disappoint them.

aah... what the heck. you got to my softer side. i cant afford a horse, so if you're willing, i'd be happy to ride double with you on my mule (hey if it's good enough for clint eastwood, it's good enough for me). :peace

I wish we could get a close look on how the system works. There is a picture showing the back of Joker's hair being separated to allow access to the eyes. I wonder if that will be the norm for all figures? Surely it can't be just that simple with every figure they make. What about a bald head?
i hope the DX treatment is different and specifically tailored for each character, e.g. moving pupils on batman is unecessary, light-up sonar eyes is more suitable. that said... my bet is that hottoys will employ the moving eyes on all DX releases.
aah... what the heck. you got to my softer side. i cant afford a horse, so if you're willing, i'd be happy to ride double with you on my mule (hey if it's good enough for clint eastwood, it's good enough for me). :peace

Ah, now see, you had to go and mention one of my heroes, Mr.Eastwood. It's all sugar and spice around here.:elefant

(I HAD to use that elephant emoticon!)

I think you're right cr'. They will definitely have the movable eyes on all the DX releases; but man would those sonar eye covers be cool. Especially, if they handled it like the old Steve Austin doll and you could look through the back of his head to see the sonar effect!
i see what you're doing with the elephant dance there. now i'd feel like a jackhole if i ever go on attack mode at you again. clever clever you. with the chewie dance my darker side would at least have a chance to blossom.

but seriously, cool to know you're an eastwood fan. personally i think this mule rider is long overdue for 1/6 or 1/4 treatment:

