Hot Toys MMS DX; your thoughts?

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Collectibles not toys dammit. :lol And as collectibles they should be treated in a proper manner. Some toy company comes in and starts decimating that ideal and it's the beginning of the end.

I couldn't agree more. Imagine Sideshow releasing a DX Premium Format line that features more interchangeable parts and exclusive items.
Yea, but still buying the item kinda negates the speaking up about it.
Umm yeah, but I buy them before they release another. That's the point, so that negates your point. That is why I'm speaking up about it. If I had never bought the first one I wouldn't have had anything to say, yeah?

This is a toy. And here's the unwritten rule of the Toy Industry - excluding companies like Sideshow who will never revisit a character: If a character sells like hot cakes you make more of that character.

when there's more demand, there'll be more supply, sure. but there's always a choice for any company to do right by its customers and still make money. there is that balance if you want to strive for it. when a company favors greed over customer's overall satisfaction, then the customers have every right to call them out.

Bottom line is that these are really expensive toys that big kids like us who have salaries instead of allowances buy up. I remember buying Star Wars figures with my measly allowance as a kid. Then the same character would be released again, even sometimes in the same get-up, just improved. I personally like the chance to rebuy a character in an improved form, especially if it's a much beloved character.

if you're fine with the DX, that's your own preference. but for those who have bought the v1 joker, for those who bought BR joker and only recently spent more for the separate v1 clothing to go with it, personally i think they have every right to be pissed off with the DX.

and when someone thinks "it's funny" that we complain when we could just buy the new version and give the old one to dad, then i have to step in. he thinks everyone can afford to buy 2 iphones and 2 jokers and thus should feel like he feels.
if you're fine with the DX, that's your own preference. but for those who have bought the v1 joker, for those who bought BR joker and only recently spent more for the separate v1 clothing to go with it, personally i think they have every right to be pissed off with the DX.

and when someone thinks "it's funny" that we complain when we could just buy the new version and give the old one to dad, then i have to step in. he thinks everyone can afford to buy 2 iphones and 2 jokers and thus should feel like he feels.

Never thought I'd agree with you but I'm behind you 100% :D
We have every right to complain!
I think it is more that you come across as a hard-on, especially so for someone just joining a community. But, of course you can be as unpleasant as you want to... and we have more than enough who will be unpleasant back.

Unfortunately in the end it doesn't make for a very fun place to visit.

it makes for a boring place to visit if everyone speaks the same way and has the same opinion about things. i'm not going anywhere. get used to it, or if it bothers you too much then simply skip my posts. easy.

of course, you still has every right to say whatever you want to say about me. :peace
Don't think you got the point... I don't care that you have opinions, but you come across poorly. Nothing says you can't have an opinion and tact.
Umm yeah, but I buy them before they release another. That's the point, so that negates your point. That is why I'm speaking up about it. If I had never bought the first one I wouldn't have had anything to say, yeah?

No not really, but thanks.

Don't think you got the point... I don't care that you have opinions, but you come across poorly. Nothing says you can't have an opinion and tact.

All tools want to be used :lol
when there's more demand, there'll be more supply, sure. but there's always a choice for any company to do right by its customers and still make money. there is that balance if you want to strive for it. when a company favors greed over customer's overall satisfaction, then the customers have every right to call them out.

if you're fine with the DX, that's your own preference. but for those who have bought the v1 joker, for those who bought BR joker and only recently spent more for the separate v1 clothing to go with it, personally i think they have every right to be pissed off with the DX.

and when someone thinks "it's funny" that we complain when we could just buy the new version and give the old one to dad, then i have to step in. he thinks everyone can afford to buy 2 iphones and 2 jokers and thus should feel like he feels.

Thanks for stepping in and making the world a better place cr'.:rolleyes: Please stop pretending that there's some noble purpose to your comments. Your previous attacks and statements on this board bare out your true intentions.

To put this in perspective, a lot of people on this board routinely spend $100 or more on an action figure. Your not some Robin Hood protecting those of lesser fortune.

Having said that, you COMPLETELY missed the point of my previous post. I don't believe that everyone can afford to keep buying doubles of things. I certainly can't. However, I accept the fact that companies tend to upgrade things on a regular basis. It's up to you to decide whether you think it's worth it or not.

Televisions, computers and even toys are CONSTANTLY upgraded. God knows Medicom has made 3 or four versions of Ultraman and Kamen Rider. I'm a BIG fan of those characters, and as an early adopter, bought the first releases of each of those figures.

They've since made improvements to those figures, and although tempted, I've decided to just stick with the originals. I'm not angry with Medicom for upgrading. They purchased a license for REALLY popular characters and are trying to make a return on their investment. It was my decision to save the money for something else down the line.

In it's most fundamental form, a company's purpose is to make money. One hopes that they consider the customer, but they are certainly not some charitable organization.

In this particular case, Hot Toys didn't just release the same joker 3 different times with slight upgrades. They upgraded dramatically each time.

As I understand it, when the V1 was released, they had very little reference for the sculpt, but wanted to capitalize on the film's release and decided to release it. If they hadn't, everyone would've been complaining about how long they took to release a Joker figure after the release of the film.

Next, Hot Toys didn't just release a refined version of the same figure over and over. They gave three different versions of the character from the film. The DX version is a new figure AND an upgrade. If you have an extra body lying around, you basically get two figures for the price of one. Hot Toys obviously want to compete with Enterbay and are following the Fist of Fury template.

I NEVER suggested that no one has the right to speak their opinion. I just find it interesting that people get upset because a company improves their product and tries to make money. I think Hot Toys wants to be profitable AND make the customer happy.
when there's more demand, there'll be more supply, sure. but there's always a choice for any company to do right by its customers and still make money. there is that balance if you want to strive for it. when a company favors greed over customer's overall satisfaction, then the customers have every right to call them out.

if you're fine with the DX, that's your own preference. but for those who have bought the v1 joker, for those who bought BR joker and only recently spent more for the separate v1 clothing to go with it, personally i think they have every right to be pissed off with the DX.

and when someone thinks "it's funny" that we complain when we could just buy the new version and give the old one to dad, then i have to step in. he thinks everyone can afford to buy 2 iphones and 2 jokers and thus should feel like he feels.

My point still remains: this is a toy. It's a really expensive toy. They're not limited editions, there was no company promise like Master Replicas or Sideshow. I feel we have gotten complacent with the false comfortable reassurance that everything with a high price tag automatically makes it something beyond a toy. Somewhere along the lines someone decided to attach 'collectible' rhetoric in a marketing scheme. It helped sell toys and has been around ever since. I think the people complaining had purchased the V1 or BR with a false pretense that something like the DX could and should never happen.

For the record I bought the V1. I've replaced its shirt, tie, socks, shoes, and head since then. The only thing on it from the original V1 is the pants, gloves and waist coat. If the DX offers anything better than the upgrades I've already done then they will be replaced as well.
Next, Hot Toys didn't just release a refined version of the same figure over and over. They gave three different versions of the character from the film. The DX version is a new figure AND an upgrade. If you have an extra body lying around, you basically get two figures for the price of one. Hot Toys obviously want to compete with Enterbay and are following the Fist of Fury template.

That's another good point worth mentioning. Real pitch forks would have been brought out if Hot Toys released the Cop Joker and an upgraded V1 as separate releases. It's actually a steal considering for 30$ extra how much you get and sends (me atleast) the message that Hot Toys does care about its fans but at the same time really wanted to get the V1 costume right and that this was the most gentle way to do it.
Thanks for stepping in and making the world a better place cr'.:rolleyes: Please stop pretending that there's some noble purpose to your comments. Your previous attacks and statements on this board bare out your true intentions.

To put this in perspective, a lot of people on this board routinely spend $100 or more on an action figure. Your not some Robin Hood protecting those of lesser fortune.

Having said that, you COMPLETELY missed the point of my previous post. I don't believe that everyone can afford to keep buying doubles of things. I certainly can't. However, I accept the fact that companies tend to upgrade things on a regular basis. It's up to you to decide whether you think it's worth it or not.

Televisions, computers and even toys are CONSTANTLY upgraded. God knows Medicom has made 3 or four versions of Ultraman and Kamen Rider. I'm a BIG fan of those characters, and as an early adopter, bought the first releases of each of those figures.

They've since made improvements to those figures, and although tempted, I've decided to just stick with the originals. I'm not angry with Medicom for upgrading. They purchased a license for REALLY popular characters and are trying to make a return on their investment. It was my decision to save the money for something else down the line.

In it's most fundamental form, a company's purpose is to make money. One hopes that they consider the customer, but they are certainly not some charitable organization.

In this particular case, Hot Toys didn't just release the same joker 3 different times with slight upgrades. They upgraded dramatically each time.

As I understand it, when the V1 was released, they had very little reference for the sculpt, but wanted to capitalize on the film's release and decided to release it. If they hadn't, everyone would've been complaining about how long they took to release a Joker figure after the release of the film.

Next, Hot Toys didn't just release a refined version of the same figure over and over. They gave three different versions of the character from the film. The DX version is a new figure AND an upgrade. If you have an extra body lying around, you basically get two figures for the price of one. Hot Toys obviously want to compete with Enterbay and are following the Fist of Fury template.

I NEVER suggested that no one has the right to speak their opinion. I just find it interesting that people get upset because a company improves their product and tries to make money. I think Hot Toys wants to be profitable AND make the customer happy.

Thanks Ultra, I'm getting so annoyed with this guys elitist attitude. He has no respect for others opinions and definitely lacks a sense of humor. Almost every single comment he makes is from a sense of superiority and deficient in thoughtfulness and consideration for others. In contrast, I have found your commentary more thoughtful and enlightening. I really cannot understand his motivation and have become turned off from threads that he has been posting on.
Don't think you got the point... I don't care that you have opinions, but you come across poorly. Nothing says you can't have an opinion and tact.

Solid point.:clap What other reason for commentary or discussion, if not to be open to feedback or "respect" the opinion of others. Otherwise one can record the sound of their own voice and enjoy the live long day listening back to it without concern for the thoughts or feeling of others.
Thanks Ultra, I'm getting so annoyed with this guys elitist attitude. He has no respect for others opinions and definitely lacks a sense of humor. Almost every single comment he makes is from a sense of superiority and deficient in thoughtfulness and consideration for others. In contrast, I have found your commentary more thoughtful and enlightening. I really cannot understand his motivation and have become turned off from threads that he has been posting on.

Well he does have a "Tool" in his avatar.
For the record I bought the V1. I've replaced its shirt, tie, socks, shoes, and head since then. The only thing on it from the original V1 is the pants, gloves and waist coat. If the DX offers anything better than the upgrades I've already done then they will be replaced as well.

like i said, that's YOUR point of view. and it's just one point of view. you are okay with it because your wallet is thicker than some other collectors's. i'm saying there's another way of looking at this, and it's perfectly fine for these collectors to feel how they feel. when a poster thinks these group should just shut up and be grateful and just buy another version, then i feel i have to talk some sense into him.

Thanks Ultra, I'm getting so annoyed with this guys elitist attitude. He has no respect for others opinions and definitely lacks a sense of humor. Almost every single comment he makes is from a sense of superiority and deficient in thoughtfulness and consideration for others. In contrast, I have found your commentary more thoughtful and enlightening. I really cannot understand his motivation and have become turned off from threads that he has been posting on.

i have no respect for opinions whom i think are worthless, sure. but did you even read ultra's post? you think he has respect for those who criticize joker's DX? my style is loud, sure, but just because ultra posted his thought is 'calmer' manner, doesn't mean it's still not being disrespectful.