Hot Toys MMS DX; your thoughts?

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Heres an idea for a Batman related DX release if my theory is wrong:


I would LOVE this "2-in-1" idea.
A while ago, I was speculating on the possibility for HT to release the second run of V1 Joker with the much better V2 headsculpt. Many here said that HT wouldn't do it, cause they wouldn't want the sales for the BR Joker to go down. Well, I think with this new version of the Joker, HT has gone even farther than I had hoped: they've made the best Joker so far. But if I had the V1 Joker already, I wouldn't be pissed about this 'update'. I would be happy and satisfied with the V1. I wasn't really waiting on moving eyes for 12" figures. Still I wonder how far they're going to go with this. Will there be more 'updates' of already existing figures? At this point, I'm not sure if I like the idea or not.
I think it is a cool idea, I just hope it doesn't mean a big price increase for all future releases. Besides that though it just means that Hot Toys is continuing to raise the bar for quality.
MMS DX 06 = Max Rockatansky (Mad Max & The Road Warrior outfits/sculpts)
MMS DX 07 = The Terminator (Technoir and Police Station outfits/sculpts)
MMS DX 08 = Conan (Barbarian and Destroyer outfits)
MMS DX 09 = Spiderman (Blue/Red and Black/white outfits)
MMS DX 10 = John Rambo IV (clean and bloody outfits calm/angry sculpts)

MMS DX 11 = TOD Indiana Jones (Tuxedo and Adventuring outfits/sculpts)
MMS DX 12 = ESB Luke (Hoth and Bespin outfits/sculpts)
MMS DX 13 = Snake Eyes (Visor and Goggle sculpts)

Any great development is a great development...I do wonder how sales of 'non DX' figures will be affected. Or maybe everything is going to become DX after this?

In three years time we'll be buying figures with moveable mouths and features, with thick rubber skin that we can mould into different expressions over a plastic skull, and rooted real hair, and HT will be making them.

Hot Toys are the Beatles of the toy world and this figure is their Rubber Soul; Enterbay are the Beach Boys (godfather = Pet Sounds)

Sideshow? They're the Gerry and the Pacemakers of the 1/6 world...or maybe just Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tich?
i think this announcement is great news for raising the bar of figures, however, i am going to be somewhat reluctant to buy the first wave of Hot Toys figures now...
oooh please... listen to yourself. they're not releasing this for the sake of innovation. it's just like what they did with superman 2in1. they see a way to make suckers out of you, and they take it.

the eyes moving is enterbay's innovation, let's not forget. this is just hottoys being their same old self, making variations of the same thing just to get more cash.
plus if they're serious about improving their joker, how about getting him a new cloth instead of re-using the old one. the headsculpt is not the only thing wrong with the 1st version. the tie is too wide at the top, and too thin overall. the overcoat's collar is too flabby, always floating. the material used is just wrong overall, making that version look more doll-like than the BR version.
oooh please... listen to yourself. they're not releasing this for the sake of innovation. it's just like what they did with superman 2in1. they see a way to make suckers out of you, and they take it.

the eyes moving is enterbay's innovation, let's not forget. this is just hottoys being their same old self, making variations of the same thing just to get more cash.

:confused: Are you serious? Your above comments are missing :lol So what would you call the 10,000 Bruce Lee's released thus far?

oooh please... listen to yourself. they're not releasing this for the sake of innovation. it's just like what they did with superman 2in1. they see a way to make suckers out of you, and they take it.

the eyes moving is enterbay's innovation, let's not forget. this is just hottoys being their same old self, making variations of the same thing just to get more cash.

this is pretty much what i was thinking, but tried to word it in a nice way. there is no question that this figure is an improvement over the first one, but that's the point. it would be nice if they could get it right the first time around, but i see their business plan. it basicly entails bending us over... having said that, i'm happy for all those who didn't get the first joker figure.

i'm going to be quite reluctant to get the first round of figures now from hot toys...
plus if they're serious about improving their joker, how about getting him a new cloth instead of re-using the old one. the headsculpt is not the only thing wrong with the 1st version. the tie is too wide at the top, and too thin overall. the overcoat's collar is too flabby, always floating. the material used is just wrong overall, making that version look more doll-like than the BR version.

Did you check out the thread dedicated to the new Joker figure over in the DC section? HT did make some significant changes to the coat:

Whether the changes are enough to justify another release is up for debate for some board members. Me, I don't care if I'm getting suckered into buying another figure. It's not something that warrants being offended.
the eyes moving is enterbay's innovation, let's not forget. this is just hottoys being their same old self, making variations of the same thing just to get more cash.

Actually, I think they were doing the moving eyes thing with GI Joe back in the 70's. Don't know why it took so long for modern companies to pick up on the idea.