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Has anyone attempted to body swap an old one with a modern-sized body?
I guess you can give it a shot but you would probably need a new undersuit, custom sculpted hands, and there would be big gaps between some of the armor pieces.

I saw a picture of 1 dissassembled once, it kind of looked like a watch that was taken apart.
The one thing that might have saved this for me was how amazing and shiny the armor looked in the promo pics, but even that's looking a whole less impressive now in those con pics.
Wow I was super into this but seeing the height comparisons has completely turned me off. So to recap my day:

no longer getting mark 1 due to height issues

no longer getting iron strange due to price and the body looks weird with his head on it

red guardian meh

black widow meh

black/gold spidey - depending on the movie scene it’s in I guess.

is it just me or is this really underwhelming? It’s been bad a few years in a row, no? These reveals used to be really exciting.
I think it really comes down to source material. A lot of the movies haven't been great. HT should expand their licenses, maybe more videogames. there have been some really good 3rd party videogame figures recently
Wow I was super into this but seeing the height comparisons has completely turned me off. So to recap my day:

no longer getting mark 1 due to height issues

no longer getting iron strange due to price and the body looks weird with his head on it

red guardian meh

black widow meh

black/gold spidey - depending on the movie scene it’s in I guess.

is it just me or is this really underwhelming? It’s been bad a few years in a row, no? These reveals used to be really exciting.
Get King Fett on the throne then !!

Can't dispute he looks as cool as F....
HT just revealed the M1 Cave build figure :panic:

Why work when you can double the price and simply reuse... and many will applaud and justify?

And sell within a year of owning it.

Or not buy it at all. Judging by the way these reissues often linger probably half or more of the online reissue screechers don't even buy once available again because once a figure is no longer rare they aren't interested anymore.
Wow I was super into this but seeing the height comparisons has completely turned me off. So to recap my day:

no longer getting mark 1 due to height issues

no longer getting iron strange due to price and the body looks weird with his head on it

red guardian meh

black widow meh

black/gold spidey - depending on the movie scene it’s in I guess.

is it just me or is this really underwhelming? It’s been bad a few years in a row, no? These reveals used to be really exciting.
Yeah it was really exciting seeing all the reveals at once, but the figures themselves just have alll been underwhelming in one way or another. Even Boba has that super rough armor which isn't accurate to the show and kinda kills the look for me.
The only positive news to come out of this entire disastrous announcement is the fact that HT is finally doing USB powered LED lights so now that I just got the Hulkbuster last month this would be a great time for them to announce the USB powered Hulkbuster lol

ZD toys has USB powered lights on their $40 IM :slap
The movies are going to be bad, so that will just make it worse.

Without RDJ and Evans fighting Thanos sales are gonna suffer.
Cant say I agree. With the inclusion of X-Men and FF properties in Disneys hands now, things are gonna pop off in a big way again. We shall see
Get King Fett on the throne then !!

Can't dispute he looks as cool as F....
He looks cool but all the new Star Wars stuff feels like fan fiction. Doesn’t speak to me at all
Cant say I agree. With the inclusion of X-Men and FF properties in Disneys hands now, things are gonna pop off in a big way again. We shall see
The properties might be popular but the writing hasn’t been good in a while. That helps sell toys too (character with cool scene or nuanced villain, etc. ex: I’d buy mysterio in the cgi outfit because I thought he was really cool)
He looks cool but all the new Star Wars stuff feels like fan fiction. Doesn’t speak to me at all

The properties might be popular but the writing hasn’t been good in a while. That helps sell toys too (character with cool scene or nuanced villain, etc. ex: I’d buy mysterio in the cgi outfit because I thought he was really cool)

I thought Black Widow was pretty decent ymmv and its made a shitload of money already. I still stand by my word Hot Toys isnt going anywhere soon and frankly neither is Disney Marvel movies and TV shows.
He looks cool but all the new Star Wars stuff feels like fan fiction. Doesn’t speak to me at all
Most of it feels like that for me, even the stuff I've enjoyed, I don't feel compelled to own a piece of. That just may be my age talking, and maybe the fact my active collecting has been winding down.

I was initially trying to decide which version of The Mandalorian to get, but my enthusiasm just fizzled out. I like seeing what they come up with but that's about it.
He looks cool but all the new Star Wars stuff feels like fan fiction. Doesn’t speak to me at all

The properties might be popular but the writing hasn’t been good in a while. That helps sell toys too (character with cool scene or nuanced villain, etc. ex: I’d buy mysterio in the cgi outfit because I thought he was really cool)
Nothing wrong with fan service when it's done right, and I think Mando does it right for the most part.
Nothing wrong with fan service when it's done right, and I think Mando does it right for the most part.

I find the series so watchable because I get the sense that the people making it 'get it'.

So it hits the right notes and expands on the OT rather than grating against it.

(And I just realised this isn't a Star Wars thread!)