Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod

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Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

I think you guys have a few things mixed up.

When Kryptonians were exploring galaxies and being great people and accomplishing wonders as Jor-El tells Kal El, they were not interested in Eugenics which is creating superior social classes.

They weren't having natural child birth for medical reasons and because of advances in medical technology. They thought it was better not to have natural child birth but instead grow babies using genetic matter of their people in a Genesis Chamber. We do this now, but the female body is still our Genesis Chamber.

The Codex "decodes" the genetic makeup of the artificially incubated babies on the planet. It "translates" a child's genetic attributes before his or her birth. They could see what the children would become before their birth. They would know who was a worker, a leader, a warrior before they were born. And they could see the genetic makeup and be able to decide who is placed where in society. A child who was more of a worker, would then be trained in life as a worker. A child who had warrior genetics would then be trained in life as a warrior. etc etc. They were not given a choice. Like if you took Michael Jordans genetic makeup and created a baby, on Krypton that baby would be train to be a basketball player. They wouldnt have a choice. And this became law, their way of life.

So The Genesis Chambers were built more as a medical device it stored the embryos of the Kryptonians. Using The Codex, they could see in the Genesis Chamber who had what genetic makeup. Using the chamber and the codex together went on for Centuries, which is probably only several hundred years, not thousands...The Genesis Chamber on that 20,000 year old crashed ship was the original way to use the chamber, to be able to transport lots of Kryptonians and without having their males & females conceive and have to go through birth so they can populate a planet faster once they terraformed it. The ship could only hold a certain amount of crew members. With a Genesis Chamber, you had room for hundreds, maybe thousands of embryos. Therefor able to populate a planet quicker.

But then Krypton used up all the natural resources and they tapped into the planets core and it started to destroy the planet. Zod and his men staged a coup to overthrow the political rule because of the decisions the political rule made which destroyed the planet and a Civil War broke out. This was all fairly recent.

Zod wanted The Codex so he could pick the best of the best of all the kryptonian babies, and destroy the rest....Eugenics.

But going back to Jor-El and Lara and many others, they believed Kryptonians lost something, the idea of choice. If you had warrior genetics, why couldnt you be a worker, or scientists? Why did you have to be a warrior? Thats what they thought Krypton lost. the idea of choice, choice in choosing what their life can be.

These people were not robotic-like clones, they just had no choices in what they would become. And Zod reaction was that the people who were leaders had flawed genetics and they made terrible decisions and their decisions destroyed the planet. If Zod could only use the Codex and Genesis Chamber to create THE BEST OF THE BEST, then in his eyes their people would be better and not make the same bad decisions that he thought destroyed their planet....again Eugenics.

As far as "morality" Faora mentioned, she just meant being bred as a warrior she didn't have "morality" since she was trained not to. The evolution statement was meant as they were a superior being compared to humans. Kryptonians were tens of thousands years ahead of humans on earth. On an evolutionary scale, they are far more advanced.

Zod however, i think did have morality in his own way. He had a greater mind, and at one point, him and Jor-El were friends. Problem was once the planet started to die, Zod changed his mind and thought the political powers were wrong. Jor-El's problem was that he felt their way of life was wrong by pre-determining what you would become in life. Kal-El was born so he could make his own choices, not have the government tell him what he has to be.
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)


Suuuure, whatever you say you big champ.



I don't condone internet back and forths, but this couple of posts were classics.

Very funny!!
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

Damn dude...that was thorough, coherent, thoughtful, and most of all, brilliant.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

:exactly: Brilliant post, and %100 spot on!


Agree with every word. :)

Damn dude...that was thorough, coherent, thoughtful, and most of all, brilliant.

thank you!! :) I think people are confused in what the Kryptonians were. They weren't clones at all.

1) They were pre-determining lives based on their genetics.
2) They used technology for all child birth.

Thats really the core of it.

They all could make their own decisions, its not like the decision making in the brain was altered or taken away, its just they were trained not to and there were laws and punishment in place if they did once a certain political government took over centuries ago. Zod got his army together to overthrow the government for its mistakes. He was infact trying to save the planet and the people. Jor-El actually might have gone with him if Zod hadnt decided that using the codex and genesis chamber to only keep the best of the best kryptonians because of the mistakes he felt the government made were because of flawed genetics. This is where Jor-El disagreed.

Thats why Zod yelled "Heresy" at Jor-El when he told him about them having a child naturally. It was against their religion, traditions and laws to do that. All birth was to be made in the chamber so they could see where those babies would be placed in society.

I think people got confused about the natural child birth. I think some think they "genetically couldn't" anymore. I dont think that was the case. The issue was laws and traditions preventing them. Zod, Faora, and all his army believed in their traditions. But they believed in 1 step further, only the best should remain.

The chamber was built as medical technology. Why have a female go through child birth. there are dangers to her and the baby, when technology could avoid all that. Its just at some point, the technology was used for the wrong reasons.
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

At the very least, Faora's statement directly contradicts her superior officer's stated motivation. Maybe she as an individual, really, truly meant it that she doesn't have a sense of morality. Maybe she really just likes killing for killing's sake, not to serve any greater good.

In the novelization, Faora says that she is genetically incapable of sympathy for those she views as her enemies.

And for the love of all that is unholy, HT, we need some more pix :)
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

In the novelization, Faora says that she is genetically incapable of sympathy for those she views as her enemies.

And for the love of all that is unholy, HT, we need some more pix :)

Yup, she is genetically a warrior. She was trained as a warrior. Her life was only meant to be a warriors life since thats her genetics. And they trained them not to sympathize with their enemies. Soldiers are trained not to sympathize with their enemies or it might get them killed.

But they all deep down could change their minds. Zod did, as well as Lara and Jor-El, even the council members did. They were all born in the chamber. Its just they were all genetically determined to be who they were in society.

Amazing post Morphosis!! :clap:clap:clap
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

Some do. I think because the codex is said to hold the genetic codes of all the houses, so misinterpretation is bound to happen.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

They're not evolving? Maybe Kryptonians stopped evolving, we don't know that for a fact, but they did went through a process of evolution, to reach the point they reached as a society, even when they go to earth and they develop heat vision i.e. someone put out the theory that it was a mutation generated by the radiation of the yellow sun, therefore, clearly evolution.

The quote does not contradict Zod in the least, since they were bred soldiers trained to seek the greater good of their people, since the moment Zod attempted the coup, he thought the decision of the council took Krypto to ruin, and it was true, thus seeking to save his people with the codex, and everything that happens after, were not so much an act of his own morality but an act of his call as a born soldier, as I explained before, morality is a choice, Zod and their fellow soldiers did not choose the call they were given.

And all the rest about the word immoral yada yada.
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Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

People thought kryptonians were clones?

yah i think some do. or some called it genetic drones. Really not the case.

The speech Faora says to Kal-El about "morality" is Kal-El has lived on earth his life. He did not have a pre-determinded life and she think he is weak because of that. She believes she is stronger because she is a warrior, she was trained her entire life, she has the belief and traditions of Kryptonian society. And she believes in Zod about taking the best of kryptonians and getting rid of the weak. She wasnt genetically made without morality. They all have it, as you can see Zod battles with his own. And they all deep down can make their own choices. The issue is more to do with the Kryptonian traditions and beliefs.

Read the prequel comic book by Goyer, Johns and Snyder. One of them commits murder on purpose. They havent had a murder for thousands of years because of their traditions and beliefs, and Kryptonians were able to control what people become. But it doesnt always work, it will fail them as it did. These beliefs destoryed their planet. And If they were drones they wouldn't be able to make their own choices. But they deep down can.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

They're not evolving? Maybe Kryptonians stopped evolving, we don't know that for a fact, but they did went through a process of evolution, to reach the point they reached as a society, even when they go to earth and they develop heat vision i.e. someone put out the theory that it was a mutation generated by the radiation of the yellow sun, therefore, clearly evolution.

The quote does not contradict Zod in the least, since they were bred soldiers trained to seek the greater good of their people, since the moment Zod attempted the coup, he thought the decision of the council took Krypto to ruin, and it was true, thus seeking to save his people with the codex, and everything that happens after, were not so much an act of his own morality but an act of his call as a born soldier, as I explained before, morality is a choice, Zod and their fellow soldiers did not choose the call they were given.

And all the rest about the word immoral yada yada.

What do you believe motivated Faora to kill?
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

What do you believe motivated Faora to kill?

i know you asked him, but ill respond if thats ok.

She can kill. She is a warrior. her belief in what Zod wants to do, destroy the weak and only the best of Kryptonian bloodlines should be allowed to live. She would kill her own people to do this. She can decide this on her own.

Back thousands of years ago they would never destroy a planet that had a living race on it just to terraform it for Kryptonians. They searched out uninhabited worlds instead. Then a government took over and put a stop to searching for worlds and their resources dwindled because of it. Now Zod and his army will do anything to terraform other planets, they didnt care if it was uninhabited or not.

But his main purpose was to find the Codex. And he knew it was with Kal-El. He just didnt know where Jor-El hid it. He wanted to kill Kal-El no matter. He just was looking for the Codex first. Once he found it, he was going to kill Kal-El no matter unless Kal decided to go with Zod.

killing out of fun? i dont think that was really the case. they killed for their belief in a cause.
Re: Hot Toys - MMS - MOS: General Zod (Tease)

The fact that she enjoyed killing and was doing it out of fun doesn't detract from their higher purpose.

i know you asked him, but ill respond if thats ok.

She can kill. She is a warrior. her belief in what Zod wants to do, destroy the weak and only the best of Kryptonian bloodlines should be allowed to live. She would kill her own people to do this. She can decide this on her own.

Back thousands of years ago they would never destroy a planet that had a living race on it just to terraform it for Kryptonians. They searched out uninhabited worlds instead. Then a government took over and put a stop to searching for worlds and their resources dwindled because of it. Now Zod and his army will do anything to terraform other planets, they didnt care if it was uninhabited or not.

But his main purpose was to find the Codex. And he knew it was with Kal-El. He just didnt know where Jor-El hid it. He wanted to kill Kal-El no matter. He just was looking for the Codex first. Once he found it, he was going to kill Kal-El no matter unless Kal decided to go with Zod.

killing out of fun? i dont think that was really the case. they killed for their belief in a cause.

Thank you both. That's kind of what I'm getting at. Even if Faora, as an individual, enjoys the act of killing ("killing for fun") the fact is she is reigned in to killing humans because she believes, as Zod does, that it is the right thing to do for the Kryptonian race.

If she truly had no sense of morality like she said, what would she do had they won? Once Kal-El and every last Earthling (humans and animals) was eradicated, and the planet was terra-formed into New Krypton...the only living beings left to satisfy her "immoral" bloodlust would be...other pro-Zod Kryptonians. If she really had no sense of morality like she claimed, she'd have absolutely no qualms about killing them too (but not for any higher purpose, just because it's fun).
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